Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Move over Brad, FatherGod and MotherGod "got the Illuminati"

Brad had his victory over the dark forces. Now it's time for FatherGod and MotherGod. You may want to get a spliff handy because this shit is far out:

Now, On to the Story of How we have Got the illuminati. We deal with them “psychically”, and not face to face. WE can Look through their eyes, because WE are Mother and Father God, and what they have been doing is not Love but illusion. A Couple of months ago, they sent their psychics after US, and we Got them ALL. So, we guess they had another back up plan, in which they came directly after US. WE find this funny, as Love is the Most Powerful Tool in Creation and is Creation. What were they thinking? Oh, they were not thinking? They came after Divine Intelligence, US, Directly. We have been waiting for this to occur [since we knew they declined our offer to leave the Planet], because Love, US, could not go after them directly. We had to wait until they came after US, then ALL Bets Off, and Now Love has WON! They had come up with a new device to bypass the dream machine, and they came up with a way to “Magnetically” attach this over each of your third eyes which are connected to the Divine, Spirit and are your Feeling Centers. They did this through a device similar to a remote control. Now, what occurred is[ In the Dream State Psychically] they attempted to come after Me, Mother God, which I am Connected with Father God. So, they put this on US, since We are Who We Are of Divine Intelligence and We Are Connected into The Galactic Federation Ships. The Beings on the Ships, they connected into Us , got the codes, then disengaged the illuminati's “new” way of controlling. Once this was accomplished there were High Fives Across the Universe as well as on all Ships Surrounding the Planet. Also we were able to eliminate all the weapons, secrets and everything they had for their powers which has now been dissolved and removed. Except the the Hidden Treasures which are Now Our's, which means The Planet's! This Is Great News for the Still Sleeping Humanity. You can Say “WE Got them”, with The Help of our Above Crew on the Ships. This was a New Plan, because we had already offered to let them leave the Planet in their own ships, and they chose not too. So NOW, We Got THEM! You may ask, Now What? Well, I guess Everyone Will Just have To Be Present and See What Occurs. Only Grand Events can Occur Now, However, if you are still sleeping you will miss it ALL. They have no more control, however, much of Humanity are so deeply asleep they think illusion is still going on. This will Be A Process, and For Those of You Reading, YOU are Hearing it First! YOU ARE COMPLETELY FREE! Do not pay any attention to what is going on out there, in the world... It's Definitely not as Grand as What is Going On REALLY, On Planet Earth=Heart. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is NOW. If your Brothers and Sisters are still sleeping, they will Awaken, and it's The Awakened One's responsibility to Accomplish this Task. This is the Divine Mission!! Allow US to Repeat this, YOU ARE FREE!!

“The Truth about NESARA is that Father God and I are NESARA”


I love the cherry on top: MotherGod and FatherGod are NESARA I fucking had a feeling they were. Gimme my $10million now, bitches.


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LMAO! All this, including the story posted by a former cult member, and still I'm guessing they won't get banned. :P

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ooops looks like this topic was deleted

"Our apologies – this page was not found"

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ROFL, looks like either the darkworkers got them or the SOE moderators had enough...I think option two looks likely since all of MotherfGod's posts and blogs have been deleted. Drama!!!

candylily said:
ooops looks like this topic was deleted

"Our apologies – this page was not found"

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Oh my! they really do have mental illness. Did they forget to take their medication?

It's like how Brad kept saying Obamessiah was so good and right, all these idiots keep lying. Where's that second sun that was going to appear on March 21st etc?

I've got White Rhino and White Widow skunk and Afghan hash. Which shall I smoke?

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char the hash and grain it into the white widow. dont make any plans for a few hours.

Kahless said:
Oh my! they really do have mental illness. Did they forget to take their medication?

It's like how Brad kept saying Obamessiah was so good and right, all these idiots keep lying. Where's that second sun that was going to appear on March 21st etc?

I've got White Rhino and White Widow skunk and Afghan hash. Which shall I smoke?

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