Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

As everyone knows there is a new poll on SOE asking people to decide the fate of SOE. It has already been stated by Brad Johnson that if the people choose to shut down SOE it will in fact be kept up, just with a change of ownership. Brad has intentionally misled people with the wording on the polls to create fear among the SOE members. Fear that their hard work will be lost, fear that their friendships will be lost, etc... The poll's wording should be crystal clear. Either you want SOE to remain owned by Brad or you want it to change ownership.


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3 votes added while I was creating this post. Looks like they were for Saviors of Earth Shall Remain. Hmm...could someone be cheating?

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As to be expected the poll has been removed and Brad will remain the site owner. ROFL

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