Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

"Invasion of privacy including posted emails or chat conversations without permission from other parties involved with them used to discredit, humiliate or insult another member will result in an immediate ban."

This rule is full of holes, and I have no comprehension of how any administrator can enforce this rule.

1. Privacy - Emails and Chat conversations are NOT private. Any member involved may disclose the contents of said conversation.

2. Permission - By engaging in chat, for an example, you are giving permission.

3. Discredit, Humiliate, Insult - These are subjective concepts. One man's humiliation is another man's lesson in humility. One man's insult is another man's constructive criticism.

If this rule stands, then a member may sexually harass another member and the object of that harassment would not be able to expose the violation without being banned. The ban would then cleanse the site of the evidence of the harassment.

This rule only serves is to protect the egos of those who behave objectionably in chat or in email.


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XfuckingD dude that is made me ROFLCOL

ilikepies said:
hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....
Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now become potential targets for Brad Johnson: Astral Gigolo. Lets be careful he dosen't convince a 13 year old girl she can be queen of spaceship land if she lets him astral fingerbang her. "wow this is so weird your only 13 but I can sense your soul is much older, at least 19 wow its so weird i can read both our auras and it looks like we're meant to be together whadaya know"

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ROFL! Pure poetry!

ilikepies said:
hmmm interesting, even though Miss Kerry was apparently made an admin and shes Brads astral soul mate and all that it appears that she has deleted her account on SOE....

Perhaps the most pressing issue now is to look out for all the other girls on SOE who will now become potential targets for Brad Johnson: Astral Gigolo. Lets be careful he dosen't convince a 13 year old girl she can be queen of spaceship land if she lets him astral fingerbang her. "wow this is so weird your only 13 but I can sense your soul is much older, at least 19 wow its so weird i can read both our auras and it looks like we're meant to be together whadaya know"

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