Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


R.I.P. (SOE) Tony a.k.a CupidStunt - We knew thee well

A collection of replies from our man Tony from SOE. Good thing he always stuck to his principles...

Little did we know how prophetic these words were:


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Thank ya.

I actually saw it all, just didn't get a chance to post.
and I could hardly tell what was relevant since Tony was posting, you know, on his account here..... that he has.

I don't really want to worry about it anymore because I know that no answer will really make a lot of sense or be justified in my eyes to be perfectly honest.
I'd just be arguing for the sake of it about something that's been beaten to death. We've established that they are indeed silly douches.. can't think how I can further that point any more than it already is without being redundant.

LeavingSOE said:
According to Tony, you cannot have any posts on this site and be a member of SOE. Ok, let me break it down for you ala Tony. So let's say you join the Vegetarians' Support Group (VSG) then you join the Omnivores' Support Group (OSG). It's cool for you to have membership in the OSG. But if you open your mouth and say anything (such as, "I think vegetables have feelings too") while the VSG creator or his appointed watchdog is around to hear it, then you will forever be banished from the VSG and never again will your name be on the guest list. If, however, you were a friend of the VSG watchdog (see Linda) or a soulmate of the VSG creator (see Twilight), you will be given the courtesy of a warning before you are banished from the VSG meetings.

Note, I do not personally see any real correlation between vegetarianism and SOE. I would link you to Tony's exact vegetarian/meat-eating response to why an SOSOE member cannot also be an SOE member, but it's gone. I guess Tony determined that he also can't be a member of both SOE and SOSOE. (The reality is that he just couldn't take the heat after being faced with his poor judgment ["discernment" for Tony, since judgment is a dirty word on SOE].)

PrincessHeart said:
Does that mean I missed his group? :(
I'd still like to know why I was banned. But lol I know there's no answer.

I think my last post here gave the impression I was upset. lol sorry no. I just really wanted to have someone from there take a stab at it. Even if I consider the stupid excuses he used so far, I can't see any that apply to me. Considering I NEVER broke a rule on that site. Including zero tolerance.

DeusEx said:
Noticed you deleted your account here, Tony. Whoopsie!

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