Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Umm. Is it just me or did Adronis state that tranceman was the first to call Obama an immigrant? Just wondering if I read that right. Further evidence that Brad Johnson, in his role as Adronis, is full of shit.

Oh, and once again someone else claims something and Brad Johnson, all-being authority, confirms it after the fact.

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obama not being a US citizen has been around since like way before he was president.. I'd have to look at whatever "evidence" there is but yah..I know Brad dosent require any evidence he just requires a youtube video saying "obama is not a us citizen" and he'll believe it.

I doubt Brad even pretends he's "channeling" when answering questions anymore. Can't wait to see how he lashes out when his bullshit adronis e-mails by donation scheme fails like everything else in his life

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LOL if adronis confirms it, it MUST be true right?

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