Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Hey guys, I am writing this from one of the few internet cafes that are open. It's on a bad side of town so if I don't show up it's because I was shot, not because I ascended. I called my friend to ask some questions for Clinton. First of all let me say that he got mad at me because I am not supposed to be letting this information out to the public, but what is done is done.

Clinton, you asked if you or the others would have trouble travelling and the answer is no. He said that none of you are any no fly lists. He can only speak for the USA part, but he said most of the other countries follow similar rules as the US. You asked if there was any way to be taken off the list and he said no. You will be taken off once they believe you are no longer a person of interest. You asked about the surveillance and he said standard internet, phone, banking, and possibly undercover agents. You asked if there are any problems with this, like if you would get in trouble, he said no. In the US, even the normal cops do not have access to this information unless they are surveilling you.

I hope this helps you guys.


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Who's surveillance is this?

I'm a bit behind D:

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It's about this:

PrincessHeart said:
Who's surveillance is this?

I'm a bit behind D:

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Hey, Clinton. If you stop by here, will you be thanking HR for this?

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HR, stop putting yourself on the line, please.

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