Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

"It's time to educate Americans about what the word 'marriage' really means and talk about the critical rights being denied LGBT couples. Tax fairness. Hospital visitation. Government benefits. Medical decision-making. Exemption from estate taxes. Spousal immigration."

If you have any question about why equality matters, check the following site:

I suspect that there are similar reasons why equality matters outside of the United States as well.

Tags: equality, human, lgbt, marriage, rights


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Thanks for posting this LSOE.

Also, this denied right for same sex couples to be married, is nothing but the same segregation that used to be aimed at blacks, considered sub-humans, who, not so long ago could not marry white people and could not even marry black people either. That was still taking place is the 60's..!

I also suggest Americans would check the following link:

To this day thousands and thousands of people in what is called bi-national relationships are DENIED THE RIGHT to be together simply because they're of different nationalities.
It simply means gays and lesbians may have a right to fall in love with any foreigner BUT THEY'LL NEVER be granted authorization to reside together. In order to achieve so, there's only fraud, being illegal, hence risking prison or being denied access to the territory for life.

So much love, right?

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Great link, iDom. Thank you for posting.

iDom said:
Thanks for posting this LSOE.

Also, this denied right for same sex couples to be married, is nothing but the same segregation that used to be aimed at blacks, considered sub-humans, who, not so long ago could not marry white people and could not even marry black people either. That was still taking place is the 60's..!

I also suggest Americans would check the following link:

To this day thousands and thousands of people in what is called bi-national relationships are DENIED THE RIGHT to be together simply because they're of different nationalities.
It simply means gays and lesbians may have a right to fall in love with any foreigner BUT THEY'LL NEVER be granted authorization to reside together. In order to achieve so, there's only fraud, being illegal, hence risking prison or being denied access to the territory for life.

So much love, right?

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Oh i didnt see this coversation just saw the video on Prop 8 Dom posted, I'll paste what i posted there much of what has been said here by dom

"I remember watching this, greatly said.
That Prop 8 thing was really sad, it seems like we're living in a time than in a few years people will look back at like they do now with the whole black civil rights thing, we really haven't learned anything from the womans movement or the black movement its all so sad and frustrating.
I recommend watching the movie MILK if you haven't seen it for a great example of how this has always been about good people trying to get equal rights fighting a bigoted religious society."

This has always been an important cause to me as I spent a year in a really bigoted school in America where all the teachers and all the students were making a big deal about supporting this big upcoming vote to ban gay marriage and I spoke out in defense of it and they actually called my parents in and told them "did you know your son believes gays should have the right to marry" like they wanted my parents to punish me or something they just thought it was unbelievable

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Ah, yes, Pies, MILK is a very good movie and Sean Penn is nothing less than brilliant in it.

Like I was talking on chat with Ben, the human mind is quite something! It is funny (?) how through time, we so get enamored with such notions as progress, change… yet we're still stuck within the same patterns as old as Middle-Age. And if one looks at it, coldly, it is clear that beliefs systems always were the oil fueling the fires of all intolerances, opening wide the gates to segregation, subdivision by means of fear in alienation.
Bottom line, 21st century: politics is still licking the clergy boots — not only in Christianity, but in Islam and the countless churches and sub-groups that never cease to clone… That weight of belief still holds peoples' basic human rights within the same iron grip, a little rusty, but still here.

That's why we have priests on a President's inauguration, that's why Europe had itself a blue flag with stars, representing the crown of the "Virgin Mary", etc… etc…

If not from our very homes, where our kids are growing up, where is the change going to come from? Helpful Aliens, I imagine… My ass!
And it's even funnier how many new-agers are hammering the "think-out-of-the-box" anthem, yet who REALLY does LIVE and THINK out of the box?

That's how harsh truth can be, indeed.
We're all happy with the face in the mirror, as long as the make-up is neat. What happens if it rains… that's another story. Yet the rains will cycle, until maybe, maybe, we go natural flavored. Like yogurt.

Ahhhh… And Dom goes blah…blah…blah… 6:57 AM Blah.

ilikepies said:
I recommend watching the movie MILK if you haven't seen it for a great example of how this has always been about good people trying to get equal rights fighting a bigoted religious society."

This has always been an important cause to me as I spent a year in a really bigoted school in America where all the teachers and all the students were making a big deal about supporting this big upcoming vote to ban gay marriage and I spoke out in defense of it and they actually called my parents in and told them "did you know your son believes gays should have the right to marry" like they wanted my parents to punish me or something they just thought it was unbelievable

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Yes it is time for people to wake up and focus on the things that make us similar and respect peoples differences after all diversity is the best aspect of humanity. Great cartoon Kool Aid Man tells it like it is.

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Great post LeavingSOE - it's about time someone starts talking about important matters such as this that clearly infringe on human rights.

And BTW, I would like to re-post this on my NING site if that's okay with you. Human rights are very important to me because I believe in equality and this type of message should be spread around for everyone to read about.

With love and light,

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QLoveNLight, that would be awesome if you repost. Spread the word!

QLoveNLight said:
Great post LeavingSOE - it's about time someone starts talking about important matters such as this that clearly infringe on human rights.

And BTW, I would like to re-post this on my NING site if that's okay with you. Human rights are very important to me because I believe in equality and this type of message should be spread around for everyone to read about.

With love and light,

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This is a great idea, Quinn!
I might do the same on AoA!!

QLoveNLight said:
Great post LeavingSOE - it's about time someone starts talking about important matters such as this that clearly infringe on human rights.

And BTW, I would like to re-post this on my NING site if that's okay with you. Human rights are very important to me because I believe in equality and this type of message should be spread around for everyone to read about.

With love and light,

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A bump due to today's Supreme Court ruling upholding Prop 8. Here's an article on the ruling:

Answers to questions about Prop. 8 ruling

Source: LA Times

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i hope everything doses pass its so stupid

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