Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

I've mentioned this organization a few times in chat, but it's time to post it.

Dining Out For Life

So here's how it works. You go eat at a participating restaurant on the appropriate event day. The participating restaurant donates to Dining Out For Life. It's a win/win/win. You get a meal that goes towards a good cause. The restaurant gets publicity for participating. Dining Out For Life generates funds for AIDS service organizations. The money generated stays local, so you'll be helping your local AIDS service organizations.

There are many cities in the US and a few in Canada that are participating. Unfortunately, I can't find Dining Out For Life in Charity Navigator, so I can't find any statistics on the organization's spending or efficacy. That having been said, it looks like a worthy cause.

Check the site out to find the event date and participating restaurants for the city closest to you.

Dine Out, Fight Aids

Tags: aids, diningoutforlife, philanthropy


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Thanks for this, LS. Lots of great places in my city to pick from :)

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wow LS that looks awesome I'm going to have to show it to my bf.

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