Some more observations:
- 1011 members is not a lot to begin with. It means that no more than 0,00000014% -yes, I did the math- of the world population is a member of the not very aptly titled Saviors of Earth. The very similar Church of Scientology has millions of members worldwide and even that cult has very little impact on the rest of society. Even with twice as much members, SoE would still be nothing more than a self catering clubhouse.
- Of those 1011 members, only twenty or thirty regulars show up on chat and contribute to forums and blogs. Hundreds of accounts are inactive, empty, or haven’t been updated in months; many members who signed up lost interest and forgot or didn’t bother to delete their accounts.
Brad and Miss Kerry are openly displaying their adultery - there’s even a flash animation that counts down the days until they can be together in the flesh. With Bad being fascist and Ban Happy, most members prefer to ignore it, but of course at least some of them are put off by this childishness and hypocrisy.
Others probably feel abandoned now that Brad is putting more time and energy in visiting other sites offering people freebies in exchange for EoS testimonials.
It’s obvious that SoE’s is way past its popularity peak.
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