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Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

All Blog Posts Tagged '&' (3)

candylily TV show & playing cards predict 9/11 and flu BEFORE they happened

This pilot earily predicts 911 months before it happened. The director got this idea directly from the CIA. We could have never guessed they would fly planes into buildings!? The government planned it of course they knew! TULSACANTWAIT.COM Heres the wickipidia article watch this clip it's only 3 minutes THIS WAS FILMED IN 2000 AND AIRED ON MARCH 4 2001… Continue

Added by candylily on May 4, 2009 at 3:30am — No Comments

candylily Organic Portals: Source of Disinfo, Apathy & Assault on True-Light

Organic Portals – The “Other” Race Part I One of the more difficult concepts discussed on this site is the concept of the Organic Portal. We have received hate mail over the years, primarily from mainstream religious types and new age believers, but we get even MORE letters from people who nearly shout in relief at finally having something of an explanation for things they have observed all their lives. What seems to cause offence is the concept that there may be more than one type of human. Le… Continue

Added by candylily on April 10, 2009 at 12:25pm — 3 Comments

candylily ET Disclosure issue & on C2C AM

A Coast to Coast AM program that was canceled a few weeks ago do to mysterious power outage 30 seconds before airtime has been rescheduled for Sunday Night. George Knapp interviews Michael Salla on ET Policy and exposing the cover up of the Extraterrestrial Presence. This topic supersedes all other topics because it has the most effect on our society as a whole. In fact, the only way the President can redeem himself as an agent of true change would be to back the disclosure of the Extraterrestr… Continue

Added by candylily on March 14, 2009 at 6:32pm — 2 Comments


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