Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
I bet Brad rubs it furiously imagining those lips around his astral member
Mmmmmm, Brad looks so damn yummy with his Fonz jacket EYYYYYYY!!!
Bradstreet is back! Love the gold chain bro
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I personally dont think I even touched the whole dannyboy being kerrys husband thing because even i dont know if thats the truth, if its not then yes i think its possible that this is just more attempts by the "brad/kerry camp" if you will to get this stuff about them of the web, all they're doing is bringing more attention to a dicsussion that was pretty much done with by coming back asking about it.
Please though, tell me what you mean exactley by this sentence "This kind of lame attempt at character assassination has nothing whatsoever to do with any of your other 'issues' with Brad."....this is my issue with Brad, hes not just going off having some weird sci fi sex fantasy with another woman hes incorporating all that into a whole view of himself as a teacher and a guide and people are listening. To me that has always been the bigger issue with this, not just that Brad is doing this behind his wifes back