Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Hah, made you look, but for real Brad and Kerry scrubbed their profiles clean of their infidelity. DannyBoy's got you covered though:

I bet Brad rubs it furiously imagining those lips around his astral member

Mmmmmm, Brad looks so damn yummy with his Fonz jacket EYYYYYYY!!!

Bradstreet is back! Love the gold chain bro

MySpace shot...ohhh yeah baby let me stick my Johnson in there....wait WTF is that Dora the Explorer bag doing there Ah fuck, I forgot the kids! Cock blocked!



LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on February 12, 2009 at 9:51pm
Dear Bradley,

While DannyBoy's comments may have been immature, I find nothing in Ning's ToS that has been violated nor any US law broken. I've reviewed the ToS three times in an attempt to find good reason to take this page down. In addition, DannyBoy is protected by freedom of speech in the United States, which California-based Ning supports according to their ToS.

My own rule for the site is to not post anything that would violate US law nor Ning's ToS. You'll find your account has not been banned from the site, because you too are afforded this same protection.

You are more than welcome to take it up with Ning, however; that's your right. If this site is shut down for showing the truth, so be it. I stand firm that there is nothing unlawful here... perhaps you should consult a lawyer who is familiar with International law.

Man to man, might I recommend that you consider that the truth (no, I don't mean your personal truth) shall set you free? Actions have consequences. This applies to both parties presented in this blog post. You should consider the consequences of your actions that led to this post as well as your actions that fueled this fire.

I have considered the consequences of allowing this post to remain. However bitter your emails and your followers' email may become, I stand by decision for the sake of my own integrity.

My hope for you is that you learn from this experience. All of life is learning, right?

FriendlyNeighborhoodBeliever Comment by FriendlyNeighborhoodBeliever on February 13, 2009 at 12:39pm
Wether or not brad you wanted to be put in the spot light you are because you created the SOE which i dearly love. But then again.... 90% of American People Judged Bill Clinton with his sex why are you so surprized when you didn't even try to hide yours? I am sorry DannyBoy...... >>But atleast you found out about it. love to you
H.R. Pufnstuf Comment by H.R. Pufnstuf on February 13, 2009 at 1:07pm
OMG. This is beyond sick and disgusting. DannyBoy I really feel sorry that this has happened.
iDom Comment by iDom on February 13, 2009 at 1:24pm
"Do as I say, Don't do as I do." would be a nice — if only just honest — underline on Saviors of Earth, instead of "Save yourself by loving yourself".

I find it quite cosmically bold, Brad, that you express yourself in such terms!
These profile comments were appearing for everyone to see on your site, until oops, just in case, they were swept under the rug.
Even funnier, your music player still reads: "Van Halen – Love walks IN OUR song". I might not have a taste for the band, but got a kick out of Ms Kerry's reading the SAME. LOL
That's cute actually — high school romance type of thing.
Only, this is here online and as much as it is YOUR private lives to both, do not just bark and brandish big words whose concepts are so 3D for you (such as laws and regulations, honesty and decency) when you are the ones actually exposing your selves so easily. Work on make those selves higher... It's the whole point, right?

But one never builds a house starting by the roof. Unless of course that's in dimension 8thD, using the same technique some distant specie used to built OUR pyramids. Duh. Nope, like Bishop Williamson claims there never was a part of human history happening, there never were countless slaves dying while putting the blocks together for the megalomania of some Egyptian pope. Ah, the Illuminati drools lies right in our History books. Sad.

Now I understand the comments to the screenshots posted here might have gotten you slightly boiling, yet where they seem to emanate from, they don't seem so bad, really, if you think about it…

For a so far advanced ego-less teacher, I think you're really pushing the cork a little too much, Brad. On another hand, it's all the more merrier when the bubbles burst, champagne-like kind of thing, you know — though of course, that could be also interpreted another way from Freud's window, but I'm digressing…

Your teachings speak of ALLOWING… Why don't you allow? Allow all this as part your own experience, maybe? Unless of course, masters write the rules and just have to be obeyed, being themselves above their teachings… I'm just a braindead fish, I might not grasp it? BooBah.

I was reading, captivated your post here in which you mention:

Let me ask you something - Define a lightworker.

Are you a lightworker? If you answer yes, here is what it means to be one:

- Showing unconditional love always.
- Letting go of judgment and accepting all that comes your way as experience
- Assisting others in hardships, being there for those in need and progressing in unlimited forms of personal evolution.
- Always forgiving even that which seems unforgivable.

I don't know… Maybe I didn't get it right. It's not by looking at the pointing finger that you'll see the Moon…

ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 13, 2009 at 1:50pm
Wonderfully written and insightful as always Dom

I'm very thankful that that horrendously predictable and hypocritical post Brad made on SOE is getting at least some of the proper critisisms in the comment section there. I mean how many times has Brad gone through some big drama like this and come back with the all cleansing "we are all here to love and allow and help and this is just a place for me to share my truth and its ok if you dont accept it we are all love blah blah" Its just not something that comes off as sincere anymore, especially when it's the same day he comes on this site all crazy eyed Scientology guy spouting threats and giving ultimatums for us to take stuff down. I imagine if we had given in to his empty threats and taken this posting down he would then go on to demand we take down the chat postings too, and so on and so on until he has the same administratrive powers over this site he does over SOE. If you go back on the northside irregular comments you may find the odd time he popped up and I assure you he NEVER came to any of the sites not controlled by him in any sort of peace, ever.

Also very like Brad is the way he says "there's a lot of talk about people saying Brad supports suicide and i dont support suicide so lets just put those crazy rumors behind us"
For god sakes Brad for your own good take a few courses in applied logic because you are out of control with this straw man bullshit. No one ever said you openly said suicide, just that there was the possibility for confusion, and then there was worries when YOU yourself Brad said that two people were essentially dead. No one said "omg brad wants people to kill themselves" it was more concerns for what some people may interpret as needing to die without you openly telling them to do it, concerns about two people who were dead, concerns that when this dosent come true some people could be driven to take action, concern that you had quite possibly lost your mind and perhaps in the future may eventually go the jim jones route. Rather than arguing against all our valid reasons for having these concerns you prefer to make the "enemy" into whatever you want that you can most easily write off and not deal with. It's immature and pathetic and I don't buy one word of your rehashed image damaged control bullshit.

Brad will still go on to claim that he can heal you with his powers, when he can't do anything, he'll still claim he can channel beings who can tell you the truth, hiding behind them if you will, when in fact it is him preparing these performances and making things up himself. He will still come out with a e-book filled with his own science fiction make believe and claim its the truth of the beginning of the universe, pissing in the faces of all the people who have put effort and desire for truth into finding out the history of the world and the universe, and he'll still probably be the same immature horny mean spirited egotistical jackass behind closed doors and all the great sexy adventures and all the roles of the hero will all go to him.

I'd post this on SOE but i got a message from the sole administrator B something that I had a Warning and next warning would be an immediate ban and he was like 'please behave yourself" and didnt even tell me what my warning was for so far all I know this could get me banned there and I'm sure in the future the same can be done for any "skeptic" who says a swear word or calls someone a fraud while the "lightworkers" enjoy a certain comfort in their range of emotions and postings and calling us all fags while Brad agrees and things like that.
MIKE Comment by MIKE on February 13, 2009 at 5:37pm
Well I don't like this remotely and Brad if you are reading I can understand why you are upset. However I can also understand why her husband would do this. My suggestion Brad is be very careful what you post up and think before you act. I agree with Simone and PrincessHeart and if you find a violation Brad then send it. I can understand her husband but other comments here made by members that are aimed solely at insulting Brad are meaningless. If you wish for someone to change, insulting and angry comments will fall on deaf ears. But I guess we all have free speech so I will just not read the comments anymore and will not comment further on this discussion.

Hope this situation somehow resolves itself
KERRY Comment by KERRY on February 16, 2009 at 5:49am
i would just like to say that danny boy isnt my husband and i actually split up from my husband a while ago, it really upsets me to think of you putting this up, i love you all very much but please could u remove all posts etc to do with me thankyou love and light guys xxxx
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on February 16, 2009 at 7:37am
Naturally I would be inclined to agree with simone on this one(stupid comments and a lie), but given brads empty lawsuit threats and the way he was bluffing how he had the upper hand to close us down by giving out ultimatums, combined with his disallowance of others' truths proves that he excludes himself from his own 'teachings' and is in all of this for his personal interests.

If he or kerry have problems with other people reading their openly made public comments then maybe they shouldnt have made them in the first place?
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on February 16, 2009 at 10:32am
First of all, I've left a second comment and a message for DannyBoy to explain himself. In the meantime, I stand by my original decision on this. The disinformation rule does not apply to the post itself. The commentary within the post, while crass, is not disinformation. It's commentary. As far as his subsequent comment is concerned, he has 48 hours to explain what he meant (the comment is not particularly clear).

I would add that I would like to know what "split up from my husband a while ago" means given that the a chat log posted here refers to Miss Kerry's "husband" and was written on 2/8. At this point, I will give Miss Kerry the benefit of the doubt that her sense of time is slower than mine and "a while ago" means less than 8 days ago.

It may appear I'm taking a hard line on this, but if I deleted a post just because someone found it to be objectionable we would have no content at all.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 16, 2009 at 12:04pm
bahaaaha people still trying to get us to take this down thus call attention to i?

First of all the problem they have is not with the rude commetns its with the proof itself that Kerry and Brad are doing this. Obviously we can see now that our site hasnt been taken down that Brad was indeed THREATENING us with shit he couldn't love and light filled.

I guarantee removing this will only lead to further requests to remove the chat logs of Kerry and Brad, clearly they are both desperate, well at least Brad is, so perhaps after another round of embarrassingly juvenile astral cyber sex Brad asked Kerry to come here with a new tactic. Just lie and say your split up and be all nice and get them to take it down. But of course who knows, like LSOE said it certainly didnt seem like they were "split" up when brad is braggin about how "clueless" her husband is and all that, if they are indeed split up than that would mean that Brad simply WANTS to get off imagining he's breaking the social values and stealing someone away from her husband why else would anyone talk like that if the girl he was with already split up, why wouldnt he have like an ounce of respect.

Furthermore the post goes to show the truth behind Brads "astral battles" which now that he no longer talks about i have a feeling were all just him getting tricked again and people telling him he could be a warrior and have sex with everybody and he comes on and makes his crazy victory speech video saying everythings gonna ascend and...well you know what happened. And just like brad he dosent want to have to give an explanation, an apology, he wants this whole matter swept under the rug so he can go off and do another channeling where he gets his 5 arcturian selves to make all the excuses for him and continue feeling like fucking goku. well fuck that shit and I'm saving at least the chat log to my computer and i hope it never gets taken down and as long as Brad is still with his site acting like st germain telling people bullshit like jupiter evolved into a sun than this site and all this information about the real Brad should be here.

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