Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


European Exopolitics Summit 2009 - Dr. Steven Greer

European Exopolitics Summit 2009 - Dr. Steven Greer

Tags: -, 2009, dr., european, exopolitics, greer, steven, summit



ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on July 27, 2009 at 7:40pm
I want tom cruise to convert to CSETIsm and become a Level-9

OK it seems Greer has really gone off the lightworkery end, I just couldn't understand why since his slant was more political/scientific before. My theory, which I pulled out of my ass, is this: they want to get something politically done in the way of disclosing UFOs but it hasn't been working so well and they don't have the funds to do it, but they realized that scamming gullible people and selling rehashed garbage in the form of books and seminars is a good fundraising technique, so they're going for that. Then either Greer and his homies are gonna stop taking everyone for a ride and bring us the aliens they promised, or they're going to take all that cash to the Canary Islands and snort lines of coke off Alexis Capri's ass in a private yatch party. I already know which one it's going to be, so why bother.

In short-- fuck Steven Greer.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 27, 2009 at 8:20pm
Someone stop me if I got it wrong, but did Greer say the shadow government is going to stage a UFO incident "in the near future" with homemade aliens, saucer tech, and it'll be 9/11 times one thousand? The whole purpose is to make is think there are evil aliens so we'd be willing to go to space war. LOL WUT?
Tab Comment by Tab on July 29, 2009 at 6:43pm


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