Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Hah, made you look, but for real Brad and Kerry scrubbed their profiles clean of their infidelity. DannyBoy's got you covered though:

I bet Brad rubs it furiously imagining those lips around his astral member

Mmmmmm, Brad looks so damn yummy with his Fonz jacket EYYYYYYY!!!

Bradstreet is back! Love the gold chain bro

MySpace shot...ohhh yeah baby let me stick my Johnson in there....wait WTF is that Dora the Explorer bag doing there Ah fuck, I forgot the kids! Cock blocked!



Brad Johnson Comment by Brad Johnson on February 12, 2009 at 7:52pm
Really? Wow...What I posted...Hmm, if memory serves me correctly, I don't recall posting this comment:

"I bet Brad rubs it furiously imagining those lips around his astral member"


"MySpace shot...ohhh yeah baby let me stick my Johnson in there....wait WTF is that Dora the Explorer bag doing there Ah fuck, I forgot the kids! Cock blocked!"

I believe that that is a discriminatory manner in my book...So shall we let Ning decide?
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 12, 2009 at 7:57pm
Wow mr all being non judgement Brad your social networking site isnt your personal life and when you brag to a third party about your "personal affair" its your own fault if that gets out, and frankly I found it disgustingly cruel and something you deserve to have been called out for.

If you really were all loving and non judging honestly you'd let something like this roll off your back wouldn't you? who cares what people think allow all it is your own truth?

So you can come out and tell your followers than all darkness is gone and that they all will ascend based on your astral battles but they can't know any of the details at all of what those "astral sessions" actually contain?

Discriminatory? how so? because it makes you look bad? because you said these things in a forum where you didnt know for certain if you could trust that it wouldnt get out somewhere? Maybe you could have come on here nicely and asked that we keep this to a minimum or keep it off your site or if from here we'll leave the matter alone or anything but you come here threatening legal action all "Try me!, Choice is yours"

Your really starting to look EXACTLY like a Scientologist
Apocolypstick Comment by Apocolypstick on February 12, 2009 at 8:13pm
Unfortunately people have to learn the hard way about the risks you take posting in an open, public environment.
PrincessHeart Comment by PrincessHeart on February 12, 2009 at 8:37pm
yes dude, and like you pointed out, the comments are highly immature (lol), but not much else, sorry.
If this was a case of defamation, and we had somehow affected your means of revenue or income that relied on public face then it would indeed be grounds for legal action.

As it is, they really pose no more threat than embarrassment or a bruised ego. It's a good thing you don't have to worry about that, isn't it Brad.
Ben Comment by Ben on February 12, 2009 at 9:07pm
Brad, are you contemplating legal action? Wouldn't that go against everything you have been preaching so far? Why not just wish it away, Brad? Things only exist if you allow them to be part of your reality, right? That is what you have been saying, right? So just wish this site away and send us love and light. Or, o-oh, were they just another series of empty words so you could feel like a internet celebrity and impress the chicks? Can you even afford a lawyer? "Eh, see, here's how it is, Mr. Lawyer, I cannot pay you now, but I have requested the cosmos that your fee will magically appear on your bank account."
Taking legal action would be such a scientology-esque thing to do. It would also make you lose all (what's left of) your credibility because it'd go against everthing you have told the SOE members you stand for. It would also alienate your wife as she'd know you're fancying someone else (but maybe you'd like a divorce - it can be such an annoyance to have to take care of a sick wife and two young children when all you wanna do is sit in the basement banging away on your keyboard all day long, thinking you're somehow saving the universe by being a lazy fat bum) and I'm sure the jury would have a good laugh when you tell the defense all about SOE, cat people from outer space, the golden hollow moon and the sheeple. Brad, you have shown once again to have an inflated ego and no understanding of real life whatsoever.
Banning people and deleting posts (so your more loyal followers will only see "Nice Guy Bradley" and not "Sexually Frustrated Adulterer Bradley"), threatening people with lawsuits....congrats Brad, you are now the head of a NWO cult.
By the way, can I function as a surprise witness? I am sure you'll use the excuse"I am but a messenger" ( acult favorite) and I'd love to show the jury the video of you "channeling" while you're obviously trying to act (thanks Realplayer for allowing me to download the video!).
This isn't the first time you publicly said or did something you regretted later on and tried to sweep under the rug, only to find out that people had already screen grabbed your stupidity. Really, how stupid can you get?
So please, Bradley, sue me. Sue me hard. I beg of you.
DannyBoy Comment by DannyBoy on February 12, 2009 at 9:12pm
Yo Brad, you want some of me?

You want to know why I posted that shit? You tried to fuck my woman, yeah it was on chat or astral or whatever you call it.

You reap what you sow biatch.

Take down LeavingSOE's ning, I'll come back on 10 more.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 12, 2009 at 9:20pm
Yah Brad, what do you think is more of a legitimate legal action, what your threatening or what Miss Kerry's husband could call "brainwashing and lying to my wife to alienate her from her kids and husband and ruining our family by claiming he had supernatural powers and could promise her ascension"
No way Brad wants to open that door if he knows whats good for him, and the Ning rules also have a portion where they talk about how your responsible for what you post and it can be used against you and you cant do shit about it or something along those lines.
All you've done by posting that here is made yourself look bad and I find it laughable that with all these complete slip ups throughout your whole journey you can still convince anyone that these "powers" you have developed throughout this rollercoaster of you being wrong and debunked and tricked over and over again actually exist.
Unless you are the absolute stupidest person who knows the littlest about himself in the entire world (in which case please get some sort of caretaker or nurse so you don't swallow the kitchen knives) then you MUST know yourself that you are in fact, lying to people, stealing other peoples material and making the rest up. So honestly Brad, if there's anyone who should be sued it's you for knowingly lying to and manipulating people

I really hope LeavingSOE stands strong and keeps all the posts up no matter how out of line or immature or whatever they may be
Brad Johnson Comment by Brad Johnson on February 12, 2009 at 9:35pm
Terms and Conditions violation email is standing by for Ning. So is this going to be taken down, or do I have to hit send?
Ben Comment by Ben on February 12, 2009 at 9:39pm
Hit send, please. Once again, you thick skulled lunatic, do not insult us by thinking we are as dumb as some of the people who blindly believe in your nonsense. So yeah, send it. Just for once in you life, put your money where your mouth is and instead of sitting on your ass all day long, actually DO something, so hit that send button and sue our asses.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 12, 2009 at 9:43pm
It's cause he knows there's no violation anyone can take something thats said about them and say its "discriminatory" but things like this isn't what that rule was made for, go ahead Brad, make the effort to silence a group of people who made a community to say these things because you started deleting comments and banning people, I'm sure it won't make you look like more of a crazy egotistical cult leader wannabe

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