Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors
I bet Brad rubs it furiously imagining those lips around his astral member
Mmmmmm, Brad looks so damn yummy with his Fonz jacket EYYYYYYY!!!
Bradstreet is back! Love the gold chain bro
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While DannyBoy's comments may have been immature, I find nothing in Ning's ToS that has been violated nor any US law broken. I've reviewed the ToS three times in an attempt to find good reason to take this page down. In addition, DannyBoy is protected by freedom of speech in the United States, which California-based Ning supports according to their ToS.
My own rule for the site is to not post anything that would violate US law nor Ning's ToS. You'll find your account has not been banned from the site, because you too are afforded this same protection.
You are more than welcome to take it up with Ning, however; that's your right. If this site is shut down for showing the truth, so be it. I stand firm that there is nothing unlawful here... perhaps you should consult a lawyer who is familiar with International law.
Man to man, might I recommend that you consider that the truth (no, I don't mean your personal truth) shall set you free? Actions have consequences. This applies to both parties presented in this blog post. You should consider the consequences of your actions that led to this post as well as your actions that fueled this fire.
I have considered the consequences of allowing this post to remain. However bitter your emails and your followers' email may become, I stand by decision for the sake of my own integrity.
My hope for you is that you learn from this experience. All of life is learning, right?