Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


DENIAL AND SEPARATION ( A response to Clinton's video)

Ugh! I tried leaving that comment on the video page, but I'm afraid my pen is too inky and it was not holding within a single comment window. So, I decided to post it here instead.

Here's the link to the video Clinton posted.

Thanx Clinton, for posting this.
I must be terribly brainless and missing the basic tools of education for I still cannot grasp the pure madness of this man, who by the way, is clearly such an inspiration for Brad.
It is really funny, because, just like channelings transcripts, they're all packed with the same forms of sentences, choice of vocabulary — even for words that do not exist. But of course, one could argue that it is a proof. Using the same exclamations and non-sense salutations, etc, IS indeed a a proof it comes from the same "source". Unless it is just mimicking, which is definitely the case.

Now to finish with this guy, it is indeed quite amusing to listen to someone like Bashar, eructing like a parrot on crack— so much for the peace of mind and body. lol If buddhist monks were that evolved they’d probably wear piercings and perfectos, pogo mantra chanting throwing tsampa at each other. If it was so, maybe China would have left them alone actually. Ha!

Anyway… So, listening to that, I should conclude that my (non-)belief system is incorporated into my personality, into my consciousness, out of an alignment with my fears against my true self.
Now, what a negative belief system is it, not to buy into anything such as these channelings, this cheap spirituality (being only a parody of existing beliefs systems), not to believe in God or a higher consciousness and just think that life is random, yet obeying to certain natural cycles?

How negative am I, after years of personal interest in belief systems, religions and mainly human behavior —, what is that blatant, terrible fear that blinds my eyes so much I cannot even begin to see what you see?
I would actually tend to say that the truth is precisely the contrary. The exact opposite.

I do think it is precisely out of an unspeakable fear that people do buy into religions and such concepts as ET family, the whole FOL and channelings, etc.
Only because the very idea of life being random, not bearing any of the attributes these belief systems puts on it, actually is the very core to that fear which makes people absolutely want to validate concepts such as metempsychosis, highly evolved ET beings, gods, spirits and such.

Beliefs are born out of fear and that’s where denial is rooted.

It is out of time, thinking and experiencing, you see, that over the years, I completely cleansed my self from any such beliefs. Does it mean that during that time, I have actually been more and more in fear, distancing my self from my true self? I think not.
On the contrary, I do think I have escaped all fears simply by acknowledging life’s randomness, hence its pure beauty. It is from that spot I am talking to you, Clinton.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to have you join me there. To me, it is perfectly fine if you wish to remain stuck into your (understandable) fears you call enlightenment. I am not preaching, nor am I judging actually.
BUT, I am judging and raising my voice, when I witness people actually trying to ravish their stumbling, unsure, questioning, unstable, wondering peers and rally them to their cause.
Why? Just because I do think it’s unfair and that people should be able to actually use their freedom of thought without being fed bullshit, when not sold thin air to the point of selling them miracles. The roman Catholic Church has done that so well over the centuries. How far is too far?
But of course, it takes some guts, a genuine little self respect, as well as a minimum of reasoning, and a lot of love, to step out the mad wagon.
Does that make me better than you, or anyone? Definitely not.
More balanced and free, though, for sure.
But "better"? No, I have too much respect for people to think I might be better than them.

Just like a McDonald’s bun, belief systems are the fast food restaurants for people’s hearts and minds. Just like a quickie, they satiate “on the spot” — yet at the end of the day, that big day when the “vessel” is about to stop functioning, it’s all smashed in thousand of particles, dissolved in just a final breath. Cosmic digestion. Ha!

Of course, you might argue that, someone like me is also in a belief system, being one that is “against” yours. You just might want to think about that and maybe try and experience it… You’ll see that it is all but a belief system, for it is just permanent enjoyment of life with all its moments good and bad. You do not need to believe anything when you feel the warmth and tenderness of a kiss. You do not need to believe anything when you find yourself smiling silly just because of the scent of a flower. You just drink those and get beautifully drunk with it.

I’ll now give you these four lines of 13th century Persian poetry:

“Everything you believe is wrong.
Everything you know, is right.
Forget about your beliefs.
Trust your knowing.”

These words are a great key, if not the greatest… as long as they’re read with virgin eyes.

Do you remember when you were a child..?



DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 6, 2009 at 12:32pm
SOEers must be in shock. I'm am referring to the post-channeling audio posted here...Brad telling his cohorts "imagine them saying to Bashar that he is not channeling".... ROFL

One by one their demagogues are falling in the face of truth.
iDom Comment by iDom on March 6, 2009 at 12:42pm

LOL Steve! Thanx for the link. I didn't know that one. I must be a psychic of some sort… :P

ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on March 6, 2009 at 12:49pm
i dunno Clinton didn't brad tell us we shouldn't listen to anything Orin says when you two had that little channeling ability spat.
iDom Comment by iDom on March 7, 2009 at 8:20am


Denile is not just a river in Egypt? WTF??!! Egypt is blessed by the Nile river, NOT DENILE!!! Good grief you really need a dictionary.

I just made a transcript of your channeling and will put it up here, discussing it, telling you what I think of it. In the meantime, open a geography book :D

iDom Comment by iDom on March 7, 2009 at 8:52am

:) I have been listening, Clint. Be reassured. As I said, I even took the time to type a transcript of this channeling and will post it here with my thoughts/feelings on it.

The "Denile" thing was just excellent though. For a minute I tried to think of History with ancient Egypt having a river called Denial. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL That would have totally fucked up generations of conspiracy theorists and channelers. :)

ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on March 7, 2009 at 10:03am
'Talks science and shit'? It's already pretty obvious you're not fooling anyone here, but after reading that I"ve noticed you're also not even fooling yourself. Go ahead, put on a funny voice and let "Elexis" explain to us how you just plagiarized some half-baked quantum science bastardization which you've already ADMITTED you dabble in, and even provided links for. Please do "channel" that more than 200 subatomic particles (might) exist, and then act all surprised at this magnificent revelation, and find a way to distort these common scientific findings to awkwardly fit your new-age doctrine.

But the thought you don't know shit about science might not be too far off. Even after researching it yourself you still can't get the simple details correct, eh Mr. "jumping particles"? LOL At least maybe this time you'll do your homework instead of making an embarrassment of yourself again.
ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on March 7, 2009 at 1:35pm
Thanks. Please keep us posted.
iDom Comment by iDom on March 8, 2009 at 11:52am
OK, I have created another thread for this discussion on channeling. It has nothing to do with my original blog post here, so the new forum thread can be found there (see link) with the whole channeling transcript.

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