Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

H.R. Pufnstuf

First day of the beginning of my new life. My goodbye.

Hi everyone,

I did a lot of thinking yesterday after Brad attacked me for being a member of member of Saviors of Saviors of Earth. This whole week has been really bad for me ever since I called my friend to check up on the two people that said they were going to ascend. Then I found out about SOE being a cult and other stuff. After I posted about it, I started getting lots of hate emails from people. People I loved and respected. Even with all that, I wanted to stay and show everybody that I didn't mean any harm. This place is my family. But yesterday was too much for me and I know that it's time for me to go. My posts are being deleted and even a small blog I wrote about my choice for who I wanted to be admin here was deleted and I got sent a warning.

I have heart problems and yesterday my heart hurt so bad I almost had to go to the hospital. These past two weeks really put a lot of pressure on me so I have to go. I won't delete my account because I think some of my posts might help others and I will check back every now and then, but I won't take part. I will just check emails from you guys. Good news is I don't have to spend $5 everyday to use an internet cafe since I don't have internet at home.

To Brad:

Something has changed on SOE since I first came here. Brad you've changed. You are my mentor and I would follow you to the end of the Earth if you didn't say what you said to me yesterday and the day before. Maybe one day we can be friends like we were. You have to stop doing these wrong things you are doing and then maybe you can become the leader you are meant to be. You can't say terrible things and do terrible things over and over to people and then say you are sorry and expect us to be OK. I did that a lot of times, but these past two weeks, the dead people, you cheating, you saying bad stuff to me, too much my friend. I know you are a good person in your heart and thats why I still love you and want to be your friend when you are back to normal.

To Tony and Upsy Daisy:

SOE would not be what it is without you. You kept the rules when nobody else did. Thank you so much.


I love you all


I am leaving here as well. You guys were always good to me. I love you!



Apocolypstick Comment by Apocolypstick on February 13, 2009 at 2:14pm
Oh HR :((((((

Im so sad to see you go, I'm disappointed that this has had such an effect on you, it makes me so sad to think you were hurting.
I do hope you come back after some time away, but I will fully respect and support your decision if you do not.

Much Love to you HR
PrincessHeart Comment by PrincessHeart on February 13, 2009 at 4:50pm
Good luck with everything.

I have to say I've struggled to understand why you continued to give them chances after everything.
Just know that no, the people at SoE do not stand for everything regarding spiritual growth in the least.

Carry on learning about yourself and your beliefs and don't let this one experience hinder whatever potential discoveries you could make.

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