Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Hah, made you look, but for real Brad and Kerry scrubbed their profiles clean of their infidelity. DannyBoy's got you covered though:

I bet Brad rubs it furiously imagining those lips around his astral member

Mmmmmm, Brad looks so damn yummy with his Fonz jacket EYYYYYYY!!!

Bradstreet is back! Love the gold chain bro

MySpace shot...ohhh yeah baby let me stick my Johnson in there....wait WTF is that Dora the Explorer bag doing there Ah fuck, I forgot the kids! Cock blocked!



ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 16, 2009 at 1:36pm
I'm not sure I get your meaning exactley if your saying that i should just "lay off brad" then..well fine thats your opinion and its noted. I dont really get what you mean that somewhere in there I'm implying people arent intelligent, or if im trying to sneak some sort of brad character assasination in there, I think i'm pretty clear where I stand on Brads character and why I feel I have a right to put my opinion about it and if you don't agree then you don't agree i'll be happy to debate with you and tell you my reasoning.

I personally dont think I even touched the whole dannyboy being kerrys husband thing because even i dont know if thats the truth, if its not then yes i think its possible that this is just more attempts by the "brad/kerry camp" if you will to get this stuff about them of the web, all they're doing is bringing more attention to a dicsussion that was pretty much done with by coming back asking about it.

Please though, tell me what you mean exactley by this sentence "This kind of lame attempt at character assassination has nothing whatsoever to do with any of your other 'issues' with Brad."....this is my issue with Brad, hes not just going off having some weird sci fi sex fantasy with another woman hes incorporating all that into a whole view of himself as a teacher and a guide and people are listening. To me that has always been the bigger issue with this, not just that Brad is doing this behind his wifes back
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 16, 2009 at 2:50pm
well perhaps that sentence you highlighted came from a place of truth that me it seemed this discussion was dying down, we have had our fill of this, its out in the open, there's no need to in my opinion at least to go at this anymore.
All I was saying is that by coming back here and asking that it all get taken down again the thread just re opens and theres more attention having to be called to the whole situation but I do see your point and perhaps I should have been a bit more fair in my lumping in with Brad and Kerry as schemers and whatnot, I don't know the situation exactley. I suppose the two things that made me go that route were when she suddenly said she didnt have a husband and that she wanted everything to do with her taken down.

Personally if this site put up a new rule saying to lay of the whole sexual comments about kerry and Brad and just to leave the issue as it is unless something drastic comes up again I'd be fine with leaving this matter behind us, though somehow I find it impossible not to think that after Brads threatening approach failed kerry coming on might be the next attempt, in a sense. Either way I dont think these things should be taken down and if they want it to be left alone then they should just leave it alone and be more careful in the future
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 16, 2009 at 6:45pm
The relation between dannyboy and Kerry does not affect the relationship between Brad and Kerry. The information shown here was made available to the public and most likely still is publicly accessible. Any attempt to negate the fact that there is some type of extramarital affair whether spiritual, emotion, physical, or any combination thereof would be a fault in your reasoning. I do not see any fallacy made here such as an Ad hominem attack.

The comments added by dannyboy really do not do justice to what is really shown in these screen captures. They are however, quite fucking funny. If this site chooses to censor facts due to small trivialities such as what the relationship of the original poster i.e. dannyboy and Brad or Kerry, then you are falling into the same fallacy based fantasy world like SOE and the like.

I'm sorry to have to bring logic and reasoning to the table, but isn't that the main purpose of this site?
DannyBoy Comment by DannyBoy on February 17, 2009 at 1:20am
Yo, first of all let me clear some stuff up. I am not Kerry's husband and amen to that. I am not going to give out my personal information but let me say that your boy Brad tried to hook up with my girl online. Yeah, that's right. She came to me as soon as he started saying that crazy shit though. I thought this site would be good but I see Brad shitting over everything like he always does.

I'm not going to say sorry for what I posted. It's real. And Fuck You Brad for what you did to me and my girl. I'll never forget that poison.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 17, 2009 at 1:29am
DannyBoy, Brad has nothing to do with this site. He does not own it nor is he an Administrator. I understand not wanting to post your personal information and I can undertand your anger at the situation. I hate to quote myself but I don't want people missing this:

The relation between dannyboy and Kerry does not affect the relationship between Brad and Kerry. The information shown here was made available to the public and most likely still is publicly accessible. Any attempt to negate the fact that there is some type of extramarital affair whether spiritual, emotion, physical, or any combination thereof would be a fault in your reasoning. I do not see any fallacy made here such as an Ad hominem attack.

The comments added by dannyboy really do not do justice to what is really shown in these screen captures. They are however, quite fucking funny. If this site chooses to censor facts due to small trivialities such as what the relationship of the original poster i.e. dannyboy and Brad or Kerry, then you are falling into the same fallacy based fantasy world like SOE and the like.

I'm sorry to have to bring logic and reasoning to the table, but isn't that the main purpose of this site?
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 17, 2009 at 1:35am
ok well that clears a lot up he never did say he was kerrys husband and we do know Brad has tried in the past to use his "powers" to woo girls by telling them hes a micro celebrity and that his higher self is telling him the girl is attracted to him even if she doesn't realize it yet
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 17, 2009 at 1:57am
ilikepies, do you have any information about the event you mentioned in the comment above?
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 17, 2009 at 10:46am
January 6, 2009 12:12 AM
Anonymous Nora said...

Just found this site and I am glad I am not the only one who had a bad experience on saviors of earth. I had enough after a guy named allbeing, someone who has posted a lot of stuff about meditating with your higher self and stuff like that, all of a sudden started to say things like:

we should harrase the new girls and say they are only here for one thing and thats to fondle the boys

I am sorry but when someone starts to say the kind of stuff the sexually frustrated guys in my class would say, all credibility is gone and I cannot take any claims such a person make seriously anymore. I didn’t feel safe there anymore because the night before another weird thing had happened. This guy named Brad (the person who created that site) had a private chat with me. It didn’t really sunk in at the time, but afterwards it was too obvious that he was trying to seduce me. He kept rambling for almost an hour about how he was a very special person who had spiritually grown much more than anyone else and that he wanted to by my mentor. Then he went on and on about his accomplishments, that he had been an actor who had worked with Patrick Dempsey and then became a writer who wrote sitcoms for HBO and that he was offered lots of money but refused because he didn’t want to leave Canada so instead focused on writing a science fiction novel. He also claimed he could make money magically appear by wishing it to happen. He was very vague about that and only when I asked him again and again what he meant he reluctantly gave me this example of some tax refund or something he had received…Then he said he could read my aura and could see that I felt attracted to him (I am not). He even gave me his telephone number and asked me to call him. None of this had really sunk in but when we said our goodbyes I decided to save the chat and I let a friend read it. She called him an sexual predator trying to impress me with bullshit. Now I can’t take any of Brad’s articles serious anymore. It comes across as phony and insincere, just a bunch of deep sounding words that have no real meaning and that he is just preying on girls like me. I feel unsafe there and after the things allbeing said I’ve had more than enough. When there are people behaving like that I don't wanna be a part of it.

Brad actually pretty much confirmed this is true and ended up posting snippets from the chat (though later nora claimed he changed a bunch of stuff and it was obvious he was only putting up certain parts and STILL it was obvious from what he put up that he was hitting on "nora" yet heres a snippet from "nora" that Brad didnt add in his defensive posting of the conversation

OK, awaiting Dom's permission to post the whole chat, I'll post a few excerpts of Brad bragging about how special he is:

10:34pmBrad Johnson I awoke about 500-1000 people alone because of it
10:36pmNora that is wonderful
10:36pmBrad Johnson yup
10:36pmBrad Johnson To this day, I have not found anyone who has accelerated as fast as I have.
10:37pmBrad Johnson I'm pretty much all over the Internet when it comes to this topic
10:37pmBrad Johnson kinda like a micro-celebrity as people would call me

10:38pmNora and you said you are a pro web designer as well?
10:39pmBrad Johnson marketing, entrepreneur, web designer, screenwriter, actor

10:59pmNora does your wife also work on saviors of earth?
10:59pmBrad Johnson nope
10:59pmBrad Johnson I'm still teaching her what I know
11:00pmBrad Johnson but it's hard, because no one can accelerate at this like I have so quickly lol

btw after all this Brad was being the biggest kind of rapist douche dick possible by laughing and telling everyone that Nora has some kind of victim complex all "yah shes a sweet girl i send her love and light but she has a serious victim complex she needs to deal with, its like she'll be in the store and someone says hi and she'll scream "GET AWAY FROM ME PERVERT" LOL, now lets meditate to make my kids less ugly"
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 17, 2009 at 2:28pm
Thanks for posting this. This was a very interesting read indeed.
astraboi Comment by astraboi on February 22, 2009 at 2:59am
hey, as some will know im kerrys brother, i know whats been goin on with brad manipulating her to the point she splits up her marraige and loosing her kids now all i want to know is will ning ban brad for life and have him blacklisted from any social networking site hopefully someone will see what i do and take action, and as for legal action brad, just try me and see how long it lasts befor ur broke cos i will stand and protect my sister till im dead

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