Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Today, I received a message from Brad Johnson at 9:41 PM GMT on 13 Apr 2009.

Subject: What is required from you

Brad Johnson has sent you a message on Saviors of Earth

As we are cracking down on any form of conflict/anti-duality, etc, and so the following needs to be removed in regards to your membership here:

- All SoSoE links on your page need to be removed as this is branded as a hate site towards SoE, meaning no reference of it whatsoever can be displayed, and it is prohibited from being publisized in any shape, way or form on SoE.
- Your Template skin that is of SoSoE design needs to be removed.
- Your name needs to be changed to something other than LeavingSoE or SoSOE so that it doesn't deliver any form of conflict or self promotion to your site.

You have 24 hours to make these changes to your membership. Failure to do so will result in you being banned from Saviors of Earth.

Brad Johnson.

To reply to this message, click here:

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I decided to investigate the matter, since the only rules remaining on SOE are the Ning Rules.

I took the following screenshot of the SOE Rules at 11:54 PM GMT on 13 Apr 2009.

I hopped on SOE chat to find out why I had been sent the email, since I am not violating the Ning's Rules. Here's the chat log.

I really have no further comment, but I welcome you all to comment.

Tags: ban, brad, egomaniac, kerry, soe, sosoe



Ozone Comment by Ozone on April 14, 2009 at 5:49am
LeavingSOE, you more than held your own against the Alien Jesus. I can not believe how hateful he was in that exchange... I thought he was full of light and love? This reminds me of this Druanna rant extraordinairre:

I am not a "lightworker", yet I am more compassionate than those who espouse the lightworker rhetoric. How can this possibly be? LOL
ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on April 14, 2009 at 9:19am
Good show, LS my man! I'm pretty sure none of us, including LS here really laments being banned from SOE yet I'm sure Brad thinks his site means SO much to us that we'd bend over backwards and listen to his shit brained demands to avoid a ban. "You will abide by the law set forth by the site creator" LOL what a fucking power tripping douche, Brad you'll be told a million times to shove it up your ass before anyone ever listens to this, any self-respecting human being would take a laughable meaningless ban over putting up with your typical unjust bullshit.

On the other hand, SOSOE is much more than a small nuisance to Brad. SOSOE only reflects Brad's behavior back at him, and he just can't stand to look at the hideousness of it staring back at him. And it won't go away no matter how much threatening and undermining he attempts until, God forbid, he starts acting like a respectable human being

(Brad please don't do this otherwise we'll run out of material to satirize you with).
ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on April 14, 2009 at 9:21am
lol reading over that, it's one of my more pissed-off posts but LS's example really illustrates the worst of it so far.

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