Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Just on Nasa TV! STS119 Discovery encounters UFO!


iDom Comment by iDom on March 17, 2009 at 4:44pm

Err… Candy, no offense but, have a look around, do some research and then you can delete this. lol
I have no doubt this is the kind of YouTube that'll have Besimi jeez. So at least, you know where they'll find an uproaring welcome.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 17, 2009 at 7:03pm
The first two videos looks like a gigantic floating breast :P

I saw the last one before, but it's so hard to tell due to the quality and amount of space debris.
candylily Comment by candylily on March 17, 2009 at 7:39pm

DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 17, 2009 at 7:58pm
Saw this one too, but it's so hard to tell the size and distance of the object. I think the official explanation is that it was a chunk of ice that gets moved by the shuttle thruster kicking off to keep it in orbit.
Jesus Cries Comment by Jesus Cries on March 17, 2009 at 8:51pm
If that was an engine thrust then please explain to me why the screen capture frame did not move at all in contrast to earth and the stars?
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on March 17, 2009 at 9:18pm
Good point. It's hard to tell, but don't forget the booster isn't going to make the shuttle move considerably. It's a short burst to keep the shuttle's orbit from decaying. Also, keep in mind the camera might be attached on the shuttle's arm. All we can do is speculate.

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