A couple of days ago I commented on Clinton’s blog http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/forum/topics/a-message-to-the-dark-earth. I said:
Reply by Mischa on January 12, 2009 at 11:00am
We are indeed being watched by dark forces. One of them is the coward iDom. He cancelled his membership and is now badmouthing us on his site. I can't believe the horrible comments there and I'd like it if this somehow could be stopped. I am sure it is not legal to record conversations:
Based on that comment of mine, SOE member Re-Frect-Sharum (a.k.a. Spiritual warrior of light a.k.a. Daedalus) draw the conclusion that I had to be Morgan and that my reason for linking to that site wasn’t to complain about the copied pasted conversation but to draw attention to the copied pasted conversation itself.
Re-Fract-Sharum was half right when he said this. I’m not Morgan. My name really is Mischa and that’s really me on the pictures. But I am not a spiritual therapist and healer (I’m just a checkout girl at Safeway’s) and yes, my reason for linking to iDom’s blog was to draw attention to the copied pasted conversation and especially Brad’s awful statement that people who don't want to ascend, will die (cough classic cult cult statement cough). Morgan unknowingly did me a great favor when he put his comment with chat fragments on iDom's site as it saved me from having to find a way of getting out in the open what Brad had said.
Inspired by others before me who found their way to SOE with the purpose of exposing Brad and Clinton for who they really are, I came here and was surprised by how easy it was to wind Brad and Clinton, who claim they are so very powerful, gifted and cannot be fooled, around my finger. They might want to tell you that they knew all along that I was fake, like they did before when others exposed them, but that won’t work here. Why wouldn’t they expose me right away if they knew all along I was a fake, that excuse wouldn’t make any sense. Besides, as people on the chat have seen for themselves, Brad and Clinton waxed lyrical about me and Clinton loved the private reading I did for him, though all I did was using his same techniques: giving a cold reading, giving vague, non specific information and making up stuff that can't be verified. It’s easy to do and the weakminded will always -want to- see something meaningful in it. As a newbie I even managed to talk Brad and Clinton into banning long time member Re-Frect-Sharum (a.k.a. Spiritual warrior of light a.k.a. Daedalus). I didn’t even needed to make up a story, I just told them the truth, that Re-Fract-Sharum had called me a fraud. I even showed Brad the e-mail in which Re-Frect-Sharum called me a fraud. Brad and Clinton chose to be on my side because they just KNEW that I was a sweet, good person. So no, no excuse for Brad and Clinton this time. They WERE fooled and very easily so. Brad and Clinton are not leaders with special powers, they are not even fit to be guides or teachers, they are just silly manboys who are addicted to attention (especially the flirtatious Brad with his ten year old profile pic and his repetitive stories about who he is the only one in the world who has made such fast progress) and who will make up stuff (and might actually believe in their non existent powers) in order to get that attention, feeding on those who can’t think for themselves and who are in need of real help (inducing even more self doubt and fear in those people when they don’t evolve as fast as Brad brags/lies that he is, or even forcing or fooling themselves into thinking or feeling something).
If you still want to send Clinton money then first demand of him to do his homework and find out how much he needs exactly. Demand of him a plan of action: what EXACTLY is he going to do there?
Or don’t draw your wallet at all - didn’t Brad say in his videos that he don’t need to work or ask people for money because he simply and succesfully asks the universe for anonymous checks to arrive in his letterbox? Didn't he say that all of us can do the very same? So why can't Clinton? Why does he needs to ask others for money? And yeah, I know he is not forcing any of us. I am just asking some simple questions that only few others have bothered to ask..
Why I did this? Same reason as the others before me: trying to limit the damage Brad and Clinton have already caused as some of you are very depended on what they claim. I am sure that Brad and Clinton will find some excuse to dismiss this, just like Brad used predictable excuses when nothing happened in October and probably will use again when nothing happens this year and nothing happens in 2012, though I guess this site won’t even exist anymore by that time. Maybe they will call me dark and troubled like they seem to do with anyone who dares to contradict what Brad spits out:
PS Jamie, when you asked me for help I didn't bullshit you. You said you'd like to unwind by going to a spa or something and I meant it when I said that it might do you good. No need to be depended of people claiming to have special powers to tell you such a thing.
Now let’s all turn off our computers and get a real life.
PPS: I don't allow comments here because there was too much flaming going on in the comments. The most angry one came from Brad. He started with that I cannot hurt him and that this doesn't bother him at all, yet ironically followed it up with an angry rant that somehow sidestepped all the subjects I brought up and instead focused on, how surprising, calling me dark and corrupted. Asking questions and confronting Brad is dark and corrupt but saying 'descend or die' is not? Right...
you can find the post here http://saviorsofearth.ning.com/profiles/blogs/read-me-before-brad-d...
Tags: mischa
I remember reading this somewhere. If you are here and reading this, I would like any more information you could provide. The picture it paints is very interesting indeed.