this was my last blog there Apparently it was considered of low vibration and a personal attack to Lovelight
energy and vibrations
As some of you may have know 3 of my blogs have been deleted thanks to the energy & vibrational "Goddess" LoveLight known as Courtland who has been appointed "facilitator".
Due to her dedication of wanting me banned of LW she has dedicated her life now on deleting my blogs in her own words
" due to the vibration of its contents. This article is not within keeping of the Guidelines, set forth by"
Well Courland you might just get your wish I have been thinking of leaving this website due to the fact that its a shame that at your age you still manage to be so petty and judgmental just because the last time you unjustifiably banned me I was reinstated in ventrillo because you among others were proved wrong and now you decided to use a different "tactic" by deleting my blogs. I know you might feel exited and accomplished by me even thinking about leaving LW even though I am pretty sure you will get more pleasure by banning me personally but oh well lol maybe this Blog will give you "enough reasons" to have me banned by saying "it was a personal attack and the content was of low vibrational energies" and all those new age words you so appropriate use when wanting to cover you "true intent". So thank you Courtland for showing me once again that you still don't know how to "build a bridge" and get "over it".
Spiritual growth is to respect others people believes . No one here knows what level of spiritually one has just by reading a blog. If one feels affected by the lower energy then they should work on their shielding while exploring the reasons they feel this way. Is it because this so called lower vibrational being's intent was to cause harm? or was it that you don't understand or want to even bother with this being therefore decide is lower vibrational? or it can be as simple that this being does not share your views and you know that there is no way of you changing their mind.
Its easy for some people to put themselves on a pedestal and decide what is low and high vibrational energy because they feel they are so enlightened they can "decide" what is what.
Remember we can all learn from one another even if we don't share the same views but to censor or limit another person view of what spirituality is you are limitings yourself from growing. Even if we have certain knowledge we are all still students and when we decide only one believe is right and are so quick to misjudge others I say it is time to have a piece of humble pie.
Much Luv
Tags: banned, from, got, i,, reason, the
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