Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Urban Dead - A Massively Multi-Player Web-Based Zombie Apocalypse

I found

If anyone else wants to join me, I've created a character: Lawrence Tibbins. He's currently holed up in the Duccan Motel. If you can find me, add me. I've also created a group for SOSOE so please add it to your profile :)

Lawrence Tibbins:
Tupac Chopra:
Prof Von Neutsaak:
Marcus Tabanofski:
Linda Dutchie:
Darb Johnson:
Carpathia Jones:



ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on May 16, 2009 at 1:42pm
damn I signed up for this but I couldnt find anybody or that many other people to begin with and i wasted all my bullets on barely killing some random non zombie guy i attacked in some sort of insanity
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on May 16, 2009 at 1:43pm
holy shit since i logged off I was killed by a zombie i guess just cause I left myself out somewhere..lame
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on May 16, 2009 at 2:16pm
Haha, welcome to to UrbanDead, PIes. If you stand up as a zombie and get to a NecroTech facility you can be turned back human. Check the map: and try to see if you can make it to South Blythville as that's where we are holed up.

I was so close to killing my third zombie but someone came and got the last shot...grr
Linda Comment by Linda on May 16, 2009 at 3:14pm
LOL pies... make sure your inside somewhere be4 you run out of AP ;-)...

Ok gang... i'm still in South Blyth, but at the Lovelock Plaza Police Department now... had a go at a zombie, but he had to many HP to kill him... I did notice the hits become more frequent now... not nearly as much misses as in the beginning... found 2 more shotgun's in the PD and some shell's ... wooohoooo... at 44 XP now and logged out... Good Luck & Stay Save all :-)

Nite, nite
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on May 16, 2009 at 4:31pm
I just found a really cool plugin for Firefox users. It adds map graphics and has some really nice enhancements. Check it out:

Installation page is:
Linda Comment by Linda on May 17, 2009 at 2:43am
Deus TYVM... that's cool... I see buildings now LMAO
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on May 17, 2009 at 12:55pm
Yeah, the plugin is great! The Route Finder is great! I made it to Gotch Plaza PD. I'll try to figure out where the nearest hospital is so I can search for more supplies.
Linda Comment by Linda on May 17, 2009 at 2:52pm
Nearest hospital is St Matthew's Hospital in Dartside... I'm stuck in Gotch Plaza now and saw you there ;-)... was in Lovelock, but a zombie came in and I had to fight it... then had to run LOL and came back to Gotch Plaza... I'm asleep now :-S ... I hope no zombie's come in any time soon
Linda Comment by Linda on May 17, 2009 at 3:33pm
Does anyone know how you can see somebody needs healing?? I've checked the FAQ's, but can't find it...

Thx in advance :-)
Ozone Comment by Ozone on May 17, 2009 at 5:18pm
I am in Kinch Heights in Vranch Walk. Someone named Aucissa revivified me. I am now a Civilian and no longer a zombie. Yay!
But, I am out of action points. Booooo!

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