Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

IDom's Comments

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At 6:24pm on June 7, 2009, Stephen Bates said…
Guess whos back??
At 8:42pm on May 1, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Miss you, Dom! FedExing hugs, kisses, and other mushy shit to you. :P
At 11:42am on March 24, 2009, Serenitywhisper said…
Ahhhh shit they deleted it. I knew they would. They don't want anything up but what they want up and certainly nothing about the truth of their so called "Jesus" aka Brad. Ahhh but karma so they say is a bitch, if that's true I hope it bites him in his Etheric Ass! :D
At 11:34am on March 24, 2009, Serenitywhisper said…
Thankyou sweetheart, awwww *blush*, hahaha. Well I honestly think he was just way upset cause I kinda picked on his retarded ass. Hahahha. So he threw a damn hissy fit and pulled the MJ shit out of his ass. He couldn't come up with anything more witty than that. What a damn shame. Hahahah. Yes do re-post the whole thing in it's entirety. :D
At 11:23am on March 24, 2009, Serenitywhisper said…
Hhahah careful there iDom, you might get in trouble for leaving that blog up there mate. Hahahah.
At 2:47pm on March 18, 2009, DeusEx said…
Where have you been you naughty monkey? :P
At 12:05pm on March 2, 2009, Lisa said…
Thank you for the welcome~ :>)
At 6:00pm on March 1, 2009, Serenitywhisper said…
Hey there thanks a lot. I came here from Kahless, I learned way before about Brad and some of the stuff going on over there. I'm glad to be here. Seems like a great place. Thanks for the welcome. :)
At 12:56pm on March 1, 2009, Kahless said…
thanks for the welcome and I'm SOOO glad I found this place. I was never comfortable with all those videos of Brad's with that stupid avatar etc.

I DO really think we are in a shift but because we are, places like SoE will appear as the last dieing vestiges of greed. It is wonderful that all the TRUE wisdomes nings appear as offshoots.

We definitely are spiritual beings, but that shoudl NEVER come with a price tag.

go to and you will see he has quite an array of different failed commercial ventures.


I created my own ning too and I NEVER want to be seen as a leader.
At 8:53am on February 15, 2009, Linda said…
Hiya... ty for the warm welcome ;-)

I've been reading & reading LOL ... nice site

Love & Light,

At 9:37pm on February 13, 2009, PrincessHeart said…
thx, ilu Dom :)
At 12:24pm on February 13, 2009, FriendlyNeighborhoodBeliever said…
Thanks Dom!! Do you like my name? I thought yours was very clever when i saw yours for the first time LOL... anyways thanks for the welcome..its kinda funny to see some of the posts on here so i figured id join! :o)
At 2:38pm on February 6, 2009, LeavingSOE said…
Welcome, iDom! I promise not to call you a dark psychic!
At 1:46pm on February 6, 2009, ilikepies said…
and i and no other


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