Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Twilight_Child Comment by Twilight_Child on July 24, 2009 at 6:41pm
Ummmm Adronis- you stole that pheonix lights theory from a documentary or youtube video I saw aaaaaaaaaaaaaaages ago.
I will get back to you on which one.
Tab Comment by Tab on July 24, 2009 at 4:40pm

Pies crits brad for over 9000 dmg
Brad somwhow crawls back up and starts some other bullshit
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 24, 2009 at 3:40pm
Brad's trying to diversify :P He'll reach out to any group that might send new suckers his way.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 24, 2009 at 2:51pm
i FUCKING knew it, I knew this was coming as soon as I saw the 10-14-09 shit. He's desperate to get back attention so first he tries some bullshit awakening angle and, after realizing that PEOPLE ONLY CARED ABOUT ACTUALLY SEEING A UFO. Of course he's gonna desperately go back to giving people false promises of ufo sightings. HOW IS THIS NOT OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE NOW??!

I mean look at the facts, Brad has always been very against the idea of ufo sightings, and PROOF, it was a reaction to the whole oct 14th embarrasment. Now suddenly we have this a few days after he opened 10-14-09 being all "oh this isnt about ufos this isnt about ufos" and now with that site being a ghost town he comes out with this. Not only is this So fucking obviously an intentional ploy by brad to get attention and business but just another piece of giant evidence in showing how the information supposedly coming out of these channeled beings follows exactly the insane inconsistant trajectory of brads constantly changing scams. Its always just one scam, one attempt to get success and money and fame and then moving on to another when it fails. WHY WOULD THESE APPARENT BEINGS FROM ANOTHER FUCKING DIMENSION AND TIME FOLLOW BRADS RETARDED WHIMS SO FUCKING EXACTLY??

i can see what hes up to with this prediction. Another example of how pathetic and stupid brad is as a "psychic" in that he puts up these huge fucking NETS, to catch little events that he can say were part of this prediction. First he talks about some specific sighting thats gonna be a replay of some other famous sighting (cant wait to start investigating that) maybe to drum up that kind of oct 14th specificity interest but then he puts out a hugeee net by saying "oh there will be more sightings as well, oh there will be sightings in latin america, oh the southern states too" first off latin america has lots of sightings because people want money from it and the southern states are just the southern states, bunch of obese woman who talk about how aliens want to have sex with them. second of all this allows him to take credit for basically any and every sighting ever while also being able to take a bit of extra credit if he gets lucky with a ufo being seen in one of hte places he mentioned (places known for more frequent ufo sightings). ANNNNDDD of course the final little trick i must say Brad If this was intentional its not a bad piece of sneaky little deception, you fucking asshole. This allows a whoolle bunch of people who went out into the field and called for a ufo and then saw a bird to come running back to youtube "oh my god brad it worked" while the people who cant magically call a ufo will be told "oh you didnt medidate enough" Pure fucking evil bullshit, rot in hell Brad we can all see through your shit


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