Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Tab Comment by Tab on July 16, 2009 at 7:59am
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 15, 2009 at 10:11pm
do Jehovah's witnesses even believe in hospitals?
That may be the problem, maybe the only solution his family is giving him is to "join the sacred army of the 140 000" or whatever it is. Maybe the reason Brad is so fucking idiotic and insane and childish in every way he approaches everything throughout his "new age internet awakening" is because he was born into that sort of mindless ridiculous egotistical cult mentality.

Even though Brad knows a big part of his whole act is him being deceitful its almost like hes a child who knows deep down that santa clause is impossible and makes no sense but still plays along and believes in him, the way that children will say they have an imaginary friend even though they know they don't have one. Its almost unsettling watching videos like this with Brad talking about adronis as if he's some other entity all like "hey if you think that the things he brings through are bull thats fine im just sharing information" the sneaky way he exerts the existance of adronis as a fact while at the same making a bullshit excuse for how its apparently ok for him to be claiming to be professional and to be able to teach people to channel and do magic and they should pay for it, even though he has no experience or credibility at all. but overall the whole thing is just kind of sad and pathetic in a way.

Just know that no matter what shit he puts out Brad knows he's adronis, he was always everything he channeled and he never had any powers or abilities whatsoever, he knows this and we knows this and when he reads us saying it he may put out some carefully worded response where he talks about resonation of sharingness but deep down he knows that we're right and he hates that we know and he hates that we're saying it cause he still wants to keep believing in santa just a little bit longer

Brad will probably only be saved after an appropriate number of crushing disappointments but that may take many 2012's and 2017's before he gets hit with the right amount of reality
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 15, 2009 at 8:39pm
Holy shit he did say peel the banana :P This video is a prime example of Brad in his manic state. He needs to get professional help before he hurts himself or someone else. If a family member or friend is reading this, get this man to a hospital ASAP
Ben Comment by Ben on July 15, 2009 at 8:00pm
This video makes for a nice drinking game. Pour a shot of whiskey down the hatch everytime Bradley says "particular". You'll be dead from alcohol poisoning one minute in.
Twilight_Child Comment by Twilight_Child on July 15, 2009 at 7:20pm
I read somewhere that excessive arm movement while talking means your lying.....But we knew that already....
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