Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Ben Comment by Ben on July 19, 2009 at 2:19pm
Brad, I’ll address you directly here as I am sure you visit this website on a regular basis, especially now that some people you know well have joined.

In your video “are you influenced by the internal or the external?” you manage to come across as both a teacher trying to explain something to a dimwitted child, and as a pseudo messiah who thinks he just shared an astonishing revelation. Your approach is almost anti-intellectual as phrases such as “This is just a matter of perspective”, “That is just your truth”, and “I don’t need to prove to you that I have psychic powers; YOU have to disprove that I haven’t got psychic powers” abolish logic and proper argumentation and allow you to have an answer for everything. I’m sure this tactic works well in the little fantasy world/safe haven you have carefully created for yourself but away from the computer, in the real world, where there are no ban-buttons, it will make having meaningful relationships with other people impossible.

And as far as “I don’t need to prove to you that I have psychic powers; YOU have to disprove that I haven’t got psychic powers” is concerned, several people did that times and again ever since you claimed being the “fasted accelerated lightworker” on earth. Same thing goes for Druanna’$ wild claims, but let’s save that topic for another day

Your video “receiving assistance” contains many copouts and built in excuses. You aloofly declare that if someone were to call you and say “tell me all about me” you wouldn’t be able to do that, thus leaving it up to the paying clients to give meaning to your vague, nonspecific readings.
The problem is, only a short while ago, you claimed you were able to tell people all about themselves; you could tell them if they so happened to be your soul mate destined to be with you (of course, this only applied to desirable members of the opposite sex), you could tell people from what planet they originated (now conveniently changed to the standard answer “you’re from earth” so the days of someone catching you giving conflicting answers to the same person are over), and last but not least, shortly before starting you were involved with the short lived website expressionofsoul, where you, Druanna, and Clinton boldly claimed to be able to cure all sorts of medical conditions, even cancer and autism.

So, what happened? Did you suddenly lose these profitable powers or are you fully aware that you never had them in the first place and decided to play it safe with these nonspecific readings so no one can catch you lying?

Whatever’s the case, saying that you would love to give free readings but simply cannot is a shameless lie because making money has always been one of your priorities. Promotion Genesis was all about making money, so was GoldRing, expressionofsoul, and you regularly announced (and pulled back, probably due to a lack of interest) DVD’s about SOE-related topics.

Next time you feel the urge to lie, please address the mirror’s image instead of making a video that is a thinly veiled sneer towards those who confront you with your transparent lies.

Your sister and someone who used to be one of your best friends are here, expressing care and concern for you, openly wishing that things could get back to the way they were. Isn’t that prospect more attractive than isolating yourself and trying for the umpteenth time to make money with an online business destined for failure? Isn’t the prospect of interacting with real friends and family members more attractive than spending all your spare time online at SOE where people stopped hanging onto your every word? Your fantasy world is crumbling and you must be aware of this. If you don’t act wisely and logically now, one needn’t be a psychic to predict that the future won’t hold much happiness for you.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 18, 2009 at 9:57pm
PS. nearly all brads videos are completely centered around himself in some way, when he makes videos where he tells people "oh you have to remember that people around you who dont understand you arent right they cant see your perspective, oh you all have to get out of this 9-5 slavery its horrible, oh you have to remember that you can create your reality and if you meditate enough you will eventually get lots of money" he is really just trying to tell himself those very things

yes clearly when hes using the "example" of "oh lets say someone thinks that some guy is really crazy" he is talking about himself
ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on July 18, 2009 at 9:07pm
uknowme, I kind of had a feeling about that when he mentioned his opinions on psychology. So he's making these videos to avoid directly discussing this with you?
ParadigmShift Comment by ParadigmShift on July 18, 2009 at 8:54pm
Is it just me, or is Brad indirectly referring to himself, the way people view him, and possibly even implying certain things in his diatribes on psychology and "there is no such thing as 'crazy' ".

Now, I'm not going to waste my time arguing the badly made points in Brad's video, but what the hell is up with this "turkey" analogy? How about an appropriate analogy. A person who enjoys eating cat shit and then breathing it all over his friends and family. Yes, that person is fucking crazy. No you can't argue that. So please do yourself and the people that know you a favor--shut up and brush your teeth already.
Ben Comment by Ben on July 18, 2009 at 7:31pm
My dearest darling Bradley, with all those people standing in line to pay you for a reading, would you please, pretty please with sugar on top consider using some of that moolah you’re apparently raking in to buy a halfway decent webcam? They really aren’t that expensive but, heh, no need to tell a pc expert this. And when you’ve purchased said webcam would you be so kind to close the shades, sit still, and turn on a strategically placed lamp so the next episode of your audiovisual diarrhea show won’t give your viewers sore eyes and grueling headaches? All other professional channelers have professional looking videos, so why wouldn't you? Thanks in advance!
Genteel Ben
P.S. of course everything I just wrote is purely subjective and neither right nor wrong.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 18, 2009 at 6:10pm
retardedest? sorry Brad once again I can't stand to sit through these anymore so I had to stop the video there, someone can fill me in if in the other 6 minutes he says anything other than repeating this same subjectivity bullshit over and over again.

Yes Brad, we know all about how the world is made up of humans with individual perspectives, but here's a question for you. If a culture treats its women like dirt, like commodities, if they are circumsized with broken glass when they are born sold to their 50 year old uncle when they are 13 and then stoned to death in the street for talking to another man when they're 19, you may think at a certain point its prudent to look at this situation and say "thats not right, that shouldnt be that way" ooops nvm though, because you see this culture has always treated its woman like this, its part of their worldview, its considered normal and fine, it is brought forth from that cultures beliefs system, it is considered valuable, worthwhile, and generally a sexy fun time to those people's beliefs.... you see where im going with this?

Brad you dont know what the fuck your talking about, you may think you sound smart but you sound like a sad sad crazy manchild. You need to REFLECT more on these things, you need to actually take a step back and think about these ideas you spout out because they dont make any godamn sense.

There is, quite simply, no excuse for you to lie to people, claiming that you are a professional when you are not, claiming you can give them advice from some magic being from the future when you cant. You seem to be forgetting a certain X factor in all of this name the fact that you are a LIAR. Honestly Brad you are a very transparent person and you might as well make a video of you saying "im lying i cant do anything i say i do but i still want to take advantage of you and get as much of your money as possible" its just so obvious what your trying to do here, god you really are a jackass
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 18, 2009 at 5:53pm
P.S. - Brad your attempt at a fuck you video just isn't cutting it. You're crazy, deal with it.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 18, 2009 at 5:50pm
For the love of God, please someone get this man on medication and in front of a shrink. He's fucking losing it right on camera.


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