Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Brads getting desperate for his daryl anka fame

Here Brad makes up yett another new form of channeling in an attempt to have people believe his childish self serving egotistical lies

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LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on July 5, 2009 at 12:40am
I watched this and it sincerely reminded me of a Victorian seance. You know, the type where the medium asks the ghost a question then tells the circle members how the ghost is responding. In absence of a video of a Victorian seance, I thought I would post a more modern version. In any case, I would hardly call this something new but rather the oldest form of "channeling" or "mediumship" ever... just with a sci-fi twist. And now for one of Brad's mentors...

DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 4, 2009 at 11:44pm
So Adronis is now a physical humanoid type creature that is Brad's soul from the future but present in the current time? Did I get that right?
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 4, 2009 at 3:52pm
This video is interesting, I think this is a clear case of brad really making a sort of sneaky and desperate attempt to add credibility to his channeling which hasn’t exactly “taken off” yet.

First lets think about why he felt the need to make up some new form of channeling called “narration channeling” if you think about that his intention becomes clear. First off it allows him to essentially state these things as himself and not try to put on a character, while at the same time purports to be a live act of him connecting with this being. The fact that he dosent have to be in character or just read something that was written allows him to put on the appearance of spouting out these so called facts from adronis, and I think its clear here there’s an aspect of speediness in the way brad delivers this. Of course he is most likely simply reading things from a screen, and I’d wager that an attempt to do something like this on live video wouldn’t have quite the same results…

Also think about the content of this channeling, not all a bunch of fluff about love and izness but just a bunch of crazy made up sci fi facts. This also seems like an attempt to add some sort of wow factor to brads attempt, going on and on about loving yourself and being one with the earth dosen’t seem quite as mystical as spoutin off all these facts about alien worlds that your claiming to have just coming to you. To me his behavior its almost assuredly due to him reading notes or perhaps a script of exactly what he’s going to say, but even more obvious is that this is halfassed and dishonest attempt to make himself more legit and at this point he probably dosent even deny it to himself deep down, he knows he’s lying. Just a good example of how for Brad its not about “sharing the information who cares where it comes from or if its real im just sharing my truth” he WANTS people to think he’s for real, that he can REALLY channel, he just has that pathetic need to feel special that allows him and so many other people to become dirty good for nothing liars.


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