Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Crop circles, Disclosure, and the Venus Project

Hey everyone this is Brad Johnson reporting for yet another Saviors of Earth episode about shit I've already talked about but since I have nothing else to do in life I'll make another video for you.

P.S. - Hope you like my shirt

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Tab Comment by Tab on June 9, 2009 at 7:57am
Just one question: if you were part of a traveling species of space explorers or whatever and you come to a planet that is in the beginnings of space travel, and you want to establish contact...what do you do?

1. Find out what would be the best way to communicate with them, using whatever method would be the easiest to understand for them? (ie radio, binary code, simple math)

2. Use our ships to draw cryptic circles in fields that are temporary and can only be seen from very high up in the sky?

If there are aliens I'm sure they're smart enough to know that nothing will be achieved by drawing cryptic images in wheat fields. Also these circles can't be messages BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING MAN-MADE...RAWR.
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