Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Druanna and Brad get together to scam even more people

Brad's video is available here:

With your powers and 2 brain cells combined you'll be able to scam more people and accomplish your goal of being rich. Looks like SOSOE has some work to do ;)

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Tab Comment by Tab on July 26, 2009 at 2:55am
Is there any way at all we can keep this on the front page?

Sean Clark Comment by Sean Clark on July 23, 2009 at 8:37pm
You know, I'm starting to agree with all of you. I should just not bother helping him, as his is obviously far from that.

I would like to clairify that myself and Brad, back when we were doing our films and such, had a couple of projects we tried to sell. Mostly scripts for a comedy series and an action movie, but realized that there was no point because everyone else was doing it and we'd probably be waiting forever for a reply. Also, when we were wrestling as well, we were hoping to use some contacts we had to start up our own promotion. However, lack of funds and sponsers ended that. They were not get-rich-quick-scams, but just interests we had that we wanted to venture into. These were all before 2006 I should add. Also, I was well into my job that I still have to this day, one that's I'm proud to say I've been at for seven years. I was not doing them for money or fame, but for fun and I guess, a hobby.

On the subject of jobs, I had mentioned in an earlier post I did how Brad never liked work, at least the kind of 'real' work you and I do on a daily basis. The 9-5, Monday to Friday go to the office type. He has been in and out of jobs for at least 9 of the 12 years I've known him. That's why he's always experimenting with some new fangled scheme here on the net or elsewhere. It's the only kind of work he knows how to do now. When one fails it's like, 'Hey no problem, I've got another one I can dig out and try. I've got a whole box of them.'

I am starting to believe that he's not crazy... not crazy in the, 'locked in a padded room without sharp objects or sheets,' way. Just crazy in the, 'Blinded my fame, fortune and attention.' He's become ignorant and helpless. He has lie backed up by lie backed up by lie. I hope he saved the e-mail I sent him about the repercusiions of his scams and such, (I know I did.) If he's not careful, 10-14-09 won't be the age of awakening. It will be the age of judgment and the end of freedom as he knows it.
Tab Comment by Tab on July 23, 2009 at 4:36pm
Ben I love you

DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 23, 2009 at 3:33pm
Druanna put some weight on huh? She's worst than Oprah in the 90s
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 23, 2009 at 3:29pm

Y'all just a bunch of haters and can kiss my big fat ass
Ben Comment by Ben on July 23, 2009 at 3:09pm
Oh, Dru, what a looker are you. Thirty-three, going on fifty. Too much cheap beer and fast food is my guess. From a bitchy gay point of view I’d also like to tell you that you did a real hatchet job on those eyebrows of yours. O, and try shampoo once in a while, it might help make your hair look less like strands of twine. Or are you trying out the unkempt look for when you and Bradley will be together while your oblivious husband is far from home, serving the country?
We know you love attention; how couldn’t we considering you said it about a million times in that love-filled video where you unleash a mentally unstable rant?
Well, if it’s fame you so desire we will give it to you. The whole world will know you as the scammer that you are. A butt-ugly one for that matter.

DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 23, 2009 at 2:44pm
Well, I didn't ask Sean if Brad ever acted this way before. I'm sure this was always inside Brad like you said but it never manifested itself because he was around normal people and it was kept in control. Once he started locking himself in his room that must be when it started to get worse.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 23, 2009 at 2:30pm
so Brad had absolutely no characteristics like this before 2007?

Somehow i find it hard to believe he wasnt a little bit of a high on himself egotistical guy, though that dosent mean he was a bad person I was friends with lots of people, people i'd consider generally good friends, who had that weird sort of characteristic where they're just really high on themselves and like to toot their own horn. Maybe its something that Brad just kept bottled up inside, something he knew to keep to himself but he kept thinking "i am the greatest most important person ever and one day the world shall bow before me" and then when he didnt become a celebrity from being an extra in a patrick dempsey movie and couldnt become an instant celebrity with all his cloverfield teet sucking he finally fucking lost it and just went full head down this new age path.

He is such an evil asshole because he is one of those people who simply cant fathom caring about other people, to him other people are merely a mirror, just something to reflect how amazing he thinks he is. Yah he's a douche and he's a little bit crazy and delusional but I still think he most likely is aware that hes lying. Again it goes back to eseow2007. He had to know what he was doing yet was still apparently able to enjoy the lie. I personally couldnt get any scrap of joy out of seeing some self serving comment I made about myself because I have these weird things called dignity, self respect, i practice this weird ritual where honesty is considered an important virtue, the only praise that would effect me is praise I know is real, yet brad is somehow able to live in the lie, like i said about children who still believe in santa even when they start to know its impossible, brads just a fucking baby man, he has the mental age of a 4 year old, and new age people are too stupid and drenched in bad poetry about "love oneness" to realize it. Do you really want a 4 year old teaching you about the big questions in life?
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 23, 2009 at 1:52pm
A part of me keeps thinking this has to be some mental problem because it's too hard to face that people can be so fucking evil inside that they can keep wanting to scam people. These people they are scamming are just interested in New Age theories and all that, they aren't trying to take part in a get rich scheme. How can Brad and Druanna keep trying to take money from these people? How do they live with themselves everyday? I cannot see any way to justify what they are doing. Sean and I talked yesterday and it seemed that Brad wasn't like this until around 2007 and that's when you'll Promotion Genesis appearing and all the other scams he has tried. They both need to be stopped before they get someone to commit suicide, either from following their teachings or from the embarrassment of giving their life savings to Brad and Druanna.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 23, 2009 at 1:51pm

Wow if a black person and a person in a wheelchair were helped by promotion genesis it must be AMAZING.

Hadn't seen this before thanks for further proof that any testimonial brad ever puts should be assumed to be done by him.


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