Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Druanna and Brad get together to scam even more people

Brad's video is available here:

With your powers and 2 brain cells combined you'll be able to scam more people and accomplish your goal of being rich. Looks like SOSOE has some work to do ;)

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Tab Comment by Tab on July 23, 2009 at 8:21am
The only thing I could hear DRUANNA say was "BLABLABLA I'm a dirty whore and my arse in ginormous."

And Brad's video made me puke in my mouth a bit. I'm sorry Sean and whatever the rest of the people here that have been on this let's help Brad bandwagon...

He's not fucking crazy...unimaginative, pathetic, dull and moronic maybe, but not crazy. This stupid little course of his will be yet another scam that will fail and make no money. Then he'll move on to the next thing, and the next and so on.

I really hate to break up this little love parade to try to help Brad "see the light" and help him get on the right path again or whatever, but bottom line is he's a retarded prick who is scamming other stupid new age losers out of their money. He isn't our little lamb that has strayed from the path that we need to help. I'm sorry Sean and Brad's sister I know you guys have your memories and et cetera, but your friend/brother isn't sick...not in the clinical sense anyway. No, he's a lying scammer dullard who will get his and that's that.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 22, 2009 at 9:59pm
at the beginning of brads video its almost like hes trying to make some excuse for how he retardedly starts up like a hundred different projects a day and constantly abandons things and changes his focus. Is the 10-14-09 dream gone already?

Also Brad I continue to hate you for the way you categorize "skeptics" it seems your simple mind is still only unable to categorize people as "awakened" or "unawakened" and anyone who disagrees with you or speaks out against you must automatically be "unawakened" But as for, i had that "jolt" like 5 YEARS AGO. Now I didnt go quite so crazy as you because, well lets face it your fucking stupid. I was very skeptical of certain things and well aware that within this new sort of way of looking at the world there were several different viewpoints to take.

9/11 awakening people you say? yes i agree, except your a retard who thinks that the criteria for awakened means believing like 100 insane contradictory things that there are no evidence for. Its possible to be awakened to the fact that the world is run in a corrupt way, or perhaps just the greater realization that we live inside a certain inescapable system whether its for the best or not. That dosent mean that everyone has to believe your retarded lies about fucking future men talking to you dipshit. You think everyones gonna fall in line with you but people aren't as stupid as you. Fucking replace your brain with a wet towel for christ sakes your not doing any better now.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 22, 2009 at 9:32pm
Sean, Brad's video has a bit just for you...1:35 in
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 22, 2009 at 9:28pm
Fast forward to 2 mins on Druanna's video for her explaining how BraDru will teach you to "repel" negative people and beliefs.


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