How fucking pathetically desperate and stupid is this guy that he comes out gloating about how all his faith in the crop circles has been proven right and all those who doubted the crop circles must now reconsider because some crop circle predicted the solar flare and yet HE DOES ABOSLUTELY NOTHING TO DEMONSTRATE HOW THIS CROP CIRCLE PREDICTED THIS. any prediction that is made after an event has already happened and then attributed to some random thing that prophesied it indirectly should be suspect but even in cases like that its possible that there are actually THINGS people can point to that describe why they think these things are connected but BRAD DOSENT EVEN DO THAT. He just shows a picture and claims outright that it predicted this because why? becuase there are a bunch of circles and a bunch of little morse code looking line thingies so what the circles are the planets and suns and little dots represent the solar flare waves? thats SERIOUSLY reaching, every single crop circle ever has the circular solar systemey aspect to it BECAUSE THATS HOW CROP CIRCLES ARE MADE BY THE HUMANS WHO MAKE THEM.
Brads desperation for something amazing to happen to save him from his shitty life is becoming more and more evident in all his new videos and cult announcements lately, hes really piling on the whole "oooh big energies are coming and changing soon things are happening excitement is coming" keep dreaming dickface
Sorry, but I'm still ROFL. He may not have grown the mullet or sported the jumpsuit, but this is the height of Brad Johnson comedy right here! Any takers for a video response?
ROFL! Hello, Brad. Stop spinning in the chair, learn your geography, then try again. This is just too easy to pick apart. How anybody could believe this man at this point is beyond me. Seriously, if you're someone who believes this guy, please, for the love of god, don't procreate!
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