Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Linda Comment by Linda on August 7, 2009 at 5:26am
Yes pies, you DID make yourself clear enough... no way around it, its clear as mud ;-)

And for the record... I fully agree with you.

For now I'm skipping this vid, but I'm sure I'll change my mind later...
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on August 7, 2009 at 3:16am
alright, first off, what the fuck is up with that theme song that sounds like its sung by some 14 year old emo punk high school girl band or something...I mean da fuck.

Second of all, Tony, if your listening at some point in between your daily activities that consist of cowering in fear and cowering in fear whilst drinking your own urine from a jar I wonder if you’ll bother to gain the tiniest ounce of courage to tell me what your evolved high love density opinion is on LYING.
Watch this video, pay attention to the wording and the content of what this latest automatic writing has to say. Because I think it’s clear to any person with the mental power to type words on a computer should be able to figure out that he is not reading out something given to him by a being floating out on a spaceship. I think it should be pretty clear to everyone that when Brad says “I just got finished this channeling with adronis” he actually means “I just got finished writing out my latest spheel about magical new energy shifts coming and now i’m gonna read it out” He wrote every single word of that himself, consciously, he didnt pretend to go into a channeled state, he just wrote it, i know it, you know it, and I’m sure most people who have followed brads actions for awhile know it.

See Tony and anyone else don’t want to argue about this point, they dont want to try and defend the legitimacy of brads channeling because they’d have to be met with overwhelming evidence both emprical and logical (like how every time brad slips up and says something through channeling that damages his legitimacy he has us believe it was a one time “accidental thought form mistake”) And questions of his legitimacy are met witih cries of “waah wahh personal truth”

But its not brads personal truth, thats the thing, its brads personal lie. Brad is knowingly, willingly, happily lying. This fact is as clear as day, this is a fact you don’t even want to bother dealing with because you know deep down its the absolute truth, even if you are fully involved in your new age lalaland fantasy. So I ask, what is the new age position on knowingly deceiving people, knowingly lying to people in attempts to obtain their money (you know that evil monetary system money), telling people you are qualified to give them advice about serious issues in your life cause you can hook up them with your super imaginary friend.

Come here and be a scared little basterd all you want with your selective posts Tony, we give you that right, but you still havent dealt with 99% of the questions and issues we’re always bringing to you in response to your cowardly little posts while we here are always to deal with any issue you bring up. If there’s any you think we still havent then let us know and I’m sure we’ll be happy to oblige. But right now I want to know what you evolved light workers up there in your high densities have to say about LYING, not “personal truth” LYING.

I believe in rationality and empirical evidence and thus hold dear the belief that there are many many things I simply do not know, but there are a few things in this life I think I can know for sure, that I think I can say are 100 percent true. One of those facts is that this video, the latest in a long line of similarly crappy evil videos, is 8 and a half minutes of pure, LYING.

sorry if this was crappily written and tony comes out all “ho ho how could i expect to answer when you dont know the proper use of you’reara” or some stupid shit but I think i made myself clear enough
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