Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Mehee Comment by Mehee 3 hours ago
Remind you of something you have seen recently or someone...
Mehee Comment by Mehee 3 hours ago are are saved! Do you feel the power you feel it? Then praise me with your money...yes I am doing God's (ahem) Adronis' work. I am gifted...I am in direct contact with a higher being. You are not. That makes me me and worship me. I need your money. Hallejah...(ahem) Hail Adronis.


Sean Clark Comment by Sean Clark 4 hours ago
I like roller coasters! I like the ones that go up and down, round and round, loop-de-loop, that's the truth!!!
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies 4 hours ago
umm what the fuck is wrong with you brad, do you have any idea how insane you look.

How many fucking DAYS ago was it you were talking about "ohh hey lets concentrate on the real world we're here in the 3D we need to take responsibility and see what we can do better here in the world we live in" then your like "oh well theres gonna be all this stuff happening in 2010 to 2015 that i'm not gonna describe but its gonna be amazing" then your like "oh pretty soon theres gonna be a magical shift that only the true believes will see where we will all be slightly on shrooms or something" and now finally "OMFG GETS READY GUYS WE'RE GOING INTO MAGIC LAND SOON"

Brad has in the past and probably will in the future make videos where he appears to be nearing levels of insanity when he talks about "oh its all about sharing knowledge and understanding your fellow men, oh lets take responsibility in the real world, lets not rely on some magic alien dates, lets not look to aliens as saviors, lets take responsibility for our lives" But lets remember it will be and always has been just for show, he says these things because he thinks it will make him look better, he addresses the criticisms people have with him with no regard for showing any sort of consistency in his beliefs. Yet inevitably, as we have seen in this video and in his exclaiming his importance and super coolness because of relentless psychic attacks of henry kissenger brad is ultimately driven by his childish egotistical delusions and they will always lead him down the path of insanity. He's reached that point yet again as can clearly be seen in this video "OMG GUYZ ITS BETTER THAN THE BEST THING YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE TIMES A BILLION ITS HAPPENING VERY SOON".

Funny how Brad dosen't know how to rectify the lie that he has access to the information of some magic future alien with the reality that he's constantly changing what he apparently believes, so he just leaves adronis out of it, while still charging people money for the information that apparently comes through this being. Fuck shame on you Brad, seriously, shame on your for ranting against the evils of the monetary system while desperately trying to scam people out of the money they've had to work for so they can live in this corrupt system. Scamming people out of their money by lying isn't what the zeitgeist people have in mind you dipshit.

Oh and Brad, stop using the term metaphysics, as someone who majored in philosophy for their undergrad, it just makes me want to vomit hearing you claim you know shit all about metaphysics, you know about regurgitating water'd down new age monism and know nothing of the intricacies or arguments of the different factions of metaphysical thought. Oh and sorry you probably don't know the word monism cause you don't know shit about anything so by that i mean your magical new age "oneness of everything" stop getting your information from fucking youtube videos and try reading a book, based on your intelligence i suggest starting with Dr Seuss' Hop on Pop
Choshu Comment by Choshu 4 hours ago
Yeah you can tell that clip was just him with a synth voice. the least he could of done was had someone else do the voice.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx 5 hours ago
2 minutes in is pure gold...Brad's trying to gain street cred by saying he got threatened LOL


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