Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 17, 2009 at 12:01am
Connection, standby
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on February 17, 2009 at 12:01am
I love how there are long periods of silence when Brad asks for questions. The after a minute or two Basilis "Billy" xxxxopolous, Clinton Doherty, or that freaky Australian woman finally figures out some bullshit question and Brad gets to continue spouting more inane answers. I think the most disturbing part in this is his voice...
iDom Comment by iDom on February 16, 2009 at 6:22pm
I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing. I just can't. How can anyone take that seriously?
The first three minutes are priceless: looks like the Ventrilo audience needs some warm up before the astral veil descends. "How are all of you todaaaaaaay". LOL Hollywood made Jesus Christ Superstar, they have to make "Moses — A Cosmic Rock Opera" with a slogan line reading "Don't panic, it's gonna be great".

That said, I agree completely with LS's comment and just like the postings dating back from 10-14-08blogspot, just like so many "teachings" on SoE, I think Brad REALLY needs an editing department. Contradictions are countless.
But if you look at it, it's not worse than what can be find in the same "teachings" or "revelations" or "important messages" from the other "messengers": Quinsey, Goodchild, Pixie, Frieze et al…
Quinsey for example — once you have succeeded in understanding that despite all my emails to him he will NEVER write "eons" correctly and still stubbornly puts it "eons of time" (Damn! That burns my a-double-es!) —, channels entities that address only to the American people and has the same contradictions on Ascension.
But I guess once you have the pipe flowing a river of garbage, it's sort of hard to save the day.

"All of you are All-Beings already. You just don't know you're All-Beings already".
Yes, Brad, thank you for pointing that one out. That's why I say: there's nothing to worry about. Neither about Ascension nor about 2012 or any other sister/brother subject.
In the late 90's, the so-enlightened, cosmically-respected, highly evolved Sheldan Nidles said the famous Harvest was about to happen. He too, like Goodchild did, gave a date. What do you think happened when obviously nothing happened and he was questioned about it?
Well, he just raised his chin up and said it actually DID happen, only us poor humans were definitely to blind to see it! Et voilà! How about that?

I was thinking lately that maybe I should create a petition online as well as opening a PayPal account to collect funds. Not for a forthcoming community (though opening a special psychiatric facility might be a good idea actually, and very needed), but rather, to buy dictionaries and offer them to SoE. I think many are in desperate need of basic education and should learn the meaning of some words: teaching, love, honesty, goodness, evil, information, disinformation, the list is very long… a whole dictionary, really.

Now if this is channeling, then I say they have far better channelers at the improvisation classes at the Actor's Studio. See how unfair it is? Most at AS will still have to cumulate two or three jobs to have a decent living, when suffice it to be a fraud and possibly make more than that selling books and dvd's online.
Talessian went for it, I'm sure it won't be long before we see a merchandise section on yet another Brad Johnson website.

In the meantime, neither SoE nor Brad might have made it to Wikipedia (until Brad probably writes his own biography up there, under some Arcturian pseudonym), yet he is at least together with Goodchild at the Pantheon of "certain" online celebrities:

LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on February 16, 2009 at 5:16pm
Ok, I don't need to refer to other channelings to find a contradictions. There are contradictions one right after another.

12:42 - "Dearest ones, nobody can ascend until Earth ascends. It is how it is. Understand that you are one with earth; you need to combine that oneness with this planet. When earth ascends, you ascend."
16:21 - "For those that are ready, they will ascend right away. For those who are not ready, they will ascend eventually. One moment. We apologize as we bumped the mic."

13:08 - "And you need to be here in this third density experience."
Ok somewhere in there he says the earth is already in fourth density, but I not desperate enough to search for the quote and the time.

But hey, Brad gets a cookie for finally saying you don't appear as a corpse when you ascend. That's worth something... I think.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 16, 2009 at 5:05pm
lol just got to the part where he cant hear the guy and hes like "we are having a hard time..hearing you can you please..repeat. Theres a moment theres a moment there about 19:50 where hes like "we are having a hard......time hearing you" you can tell he sort of stops himself and hes trying of think of what to say to make himself look like hes 5 magical beings and not just brad being stupid and playing pretend make belieev la la land. You can tell in that one moment the way his voice stops, hes trying to be careful hes trying to keep the act up. god why am I even bothering trying to prove this further
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 16, 2009 at 5:01pm
also what makes it obvious is how much hes now using these channeling to basically deal with all the petty bullshit rumors started by HIM. If these Arcturian people were really all knowing all loving then they wouldnt have dealt with that argument THE SAME WAY BRAD DEALT WITH IT "oh people saying its suicide is wrong oh this is not a cult blah blah" I dunno If i can watch the whole thing but i'm guessin the arcturians dont mention the fact that Brad told people that they were dead and brad told people that people will ascend before the earth and he could have ascended and all that. It's really infuriating hes such a dishonest brat with all his bullshit and his channeling sessions now.
I mean for gods sake how can anyone watch this and not realize that ITS BRAD, the whole time, with the briefing and the please standby and talking about everything he wants to in regards of saviors of earth and saving his own ass and re explaining all his different statements about whats gonna happen. It just boggles my mind that people think its worthwhile to waste their time with a guy sitting in his basement fucking pretending hes channeling a being and just saying whatever the fuck he wants.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on February 16, 2009 at 4:33pm
Btw, start it at minute 12.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on February 16, 2009 at 4:23pm
If I had time, I would take the last three channeled videos, convert to transcript, and demonstrate the contradictions. Since I don't have the time, I will just say that there is a definite contradiction between some will ascend and everyone must ascend at the same time along with the earth because we are one with the earth.

And wtf, "Connecting, standby."
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on February 16, 2009 at 3:57pm
to me it seems obvious 3 minutes in that Brad is totally inconsistant with his channeled characters is constantly trying to make himself sound legitimate but failing to make any kind of points beyond his limited brain power and knowledge and thus really just sort of looking like a crazy fool, I really dont know if i'll be able to get through the whole thing though


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