Someone should make one for sosoe youtube account where hitler hears that blossom goodchilds aliens didnt show up all
General guys: so far there have been no sightings at the predicted locations here and here
Hitler: not to worry, they will arise on a north american country by sunrise just as Brad said
General: mein fuhrer.. Mein fuhrer, the sun has already risen on the west coast and no ships have been found, also another youtube account was found that shows brad is really a giant loser
Hitler:....anyone here who hasnt scored a 13 or higher on the starseed quiz leave...
..... ummm..... MUAHAHHAHAHHA that was awesome. I'm so damn sick of hearing Micheal this and MJ that. It's to the point the lightworkers are saying MJ was a lightworker and killed by the darkworkers...he died..he was old and took narcotics...get over it ppl.
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