Taking a short break from partying like it's 1999 here at the "vierdaagse feesten" in Nijmegen and wow...seems like things have gone even crazier in my absence. All I want to say at this time is: how can someone announce such a "happy message" and still look and sound so depressed?
Crap, just pure unadulterated crap. This is ridiculous to the extreme. Nothing happened on Oct. 14th last year, and nothing will happen this year. If 50,000 people all wake up at the 9:00pm pacific time everyday of the week to go off on their daily ventures, shouldn't that count as a mass awakening. I do it everyday myself, so wouldn't there be something like 192,649,220,883 mass awakening already have happened???
Brad wants to make money from Adsense so he can head to San Diego. If you visit his blogspots make sure to use AdBlock Plus for Firefox so he doesn't get a penny off you.
TY for the warning, Twilight!!... good thing I had read the comments b4 watching the video, else I would have prolly spit my coffee all over my keyboard ;-)
pppffffff its only 4 and a half minutes and I couldnt even make that HAHAHAHAHA... not even going to bother with the mp3
how fucking sad is this, we can pretty much assume brad had like ZERO customers on adronis if already he's fully going into crazy mode with this new thing. Apparently oct 14th 2009 which he just made up in the hopes of riding more of the 101408 buzz ( i mean he received a download from his higher mind..) is like the biggest most important date ever all of a sudden and brad wants to get MILLIONS of people all checking out his site and clicking his ads and they're gonna do a big meditation which will instantly end all wars and poverty...
Of course likely this site will be abandoned in a few days just like the "change our energy" site. I'd say Brads family should get ready to make their move in the near future because he really dosent have anywhere to go anymore. He alienated himself from everybody by being a giant stupid egotistical insane douche and is now desperately trying to find some next big thing to give him attention, likely he will fail as you just cant get popular being terrible and deleted all the bad criticism about you while filling in the good criticism yourself IT DOSENT WORK THAT WAY.
ok when i asked in chat when brads next reboot was gonna be whoever said "a few hours" won...
Newsflash Brad, you fuckwit, THERE WAS NO MASS AWAKENING. You all idiotically believed there was gonna be an alien ship showing up and acted like pompous dicks about it and then NO SHIP SHOWED UP so you all had the go to excuse of "OH MY GOD IT WAS ACTUALLY ABOUT AWAKENING"
First off NOBODY fucking "awakened" on oct 14th, all the people talking about this "oh this woke me up" were saying that believing in this shit what woke them up, all just people already "awake" and im sure the MUCH more significant effect was in fact crushing people's belief in this.
Basiscally you are lying, your lying about gettgin 2500 e-mails on oct 14 all saying "oh my god i suddenly awoke today!!" If they just awoke that day why would they be e-mailing YOU?!! Anyone who would have e-mailed you (we all can guess your exagerating the numbers of e-mails like you always do) would have done so because they were already looking at your site. You are 100 percent wrong and nonsensical with this make believe "mass awakening" shit but i see what your doing. Adronis.org has failed so now you want to desperately try and re-live your more attention having oct 14th days with another blogspot site and the best thing you can think of is this stupid fucking mass awakening angle and if you actually think this blogspot is gonna do anything but completely crash and burn your a retard....and you are a retard so im sure youll desperately work away for maybe a week or so until your not instantly rich and famous and you go crazier and try something else even stupider.
OCT 14TH WAS A BIG FUCKING LIE IT WASNT A MASS AWAKENING. The number of people who actually fully "awoke" somehow because of oct 14th is most likely very very small, almost negligible compared to something like 9/11 or The Secret. Also you continue to forever and completely ignore all the people who LOST belief because of this shit. You and blossom goodchild weren't "helping" shit you were being douchebags and now your being an attention whoring douche again, congratulations biggest douche in the universe brad johnson reigning champion
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