Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 2, 2009 at 9:42pm
jesus christ i seriously rate that crappy new age rambling "love is the izzness of all that is of loveisness" like lower that bad 14 year old emo poetry about unrequited love, its so fucking stupid and pointless, you suck at everything brad
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 2, 2009 at 9:19pm
I can't believe he used the fucking Enigma song and it sounds like he recorded it using his cheesy microphone :P
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 2, 2009 at 9:17pm
Ohoh, looks like Brad is flipping us the bird:
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 2, 2009 at 8:25pm
his missing in action has a very easy explanation
here's an example of a common SOE vs SOSOE argument

SOSOE: Brad is a crazy lying delusional manchild egomaniac with severe delusions who only cares about this site to further those delusions and to scam money off people
SOE: your wrong evil basterds! this is a site to share information and brad is just sharing his truth like all of us are

Of course Brads main focus has always been on promoting his abilities and greatness and importance and when he did enter a discussion he always had a sort of "this is the final say this is how this is" vibe to it but I honestly think the fact that he has stopped posting on SOE entirely is the biggest and most obvious proof for this. basically he just couldnt handle his truth being out there as "part of everyones truth" he couldnt handle that people werent really buying into it on the site, or rating it well, he didnt like that so many people openly stated the obvious (that its a lie). This is what happens when its everyone "sharing their truth" instead of "the cult of brad" and Brad dosent want that, he wants full control of his image, he wants to be looked at as an authority figure and he has no concerns at all with "sharing truth" He is a fucking menace and part of me wants to see the unlikely scenario that he may actually be able to someday sustain himself peddling this bullshit because it'll be the final answer i need to that question of how there are so many people who claim so fervently that they have psychic powers, it just means there are a lot of desperate immature egotistical dishonest people in the world. Cause apparently thats ALL it takes
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on July 2, 2009 at 1:08pm
Is it just me or did the pronunciation change from a-drawn-is to a-drone-is?
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 2, 2009 at 11:15am
Oh, anyone notice that Brad has been missing in action on SOE for the past few days? He made a new Adronis video but didn't even bother to post in on SOE. Aww, Brad, did those mean SOE members hurt you? You didn't like them making fun of Adronis and saying that channeling is a shit concept? Poor Brad, he can't get the support he needs from his own members so now he has to go out an find more stupid people so he can continue to live in his fantasy world and take advantage of them so he can feel better about himself.
DeusEx Comment by DeusEx on July 2, 2009 at 11:09am
Haha no, this was not me. Looking at this guy's other videos, he's really far out there and easy to manipulate by someone like Brad. I called him a shill becuase the entire thing seems to be a set up to promote Brad's Adronis project. Everything from it being an mp3 to the description and tags. I wouldn't put it past Brad to have asked this guy to do that in return for a "free reading". Your analysis of the reading was spot on. It's so vague and generic and just goes on to reinforce Brad's usual bullshit that any person in their right mind would object. Brad's preying on those that can be easily persuaded as usual. I'm betting we see a few more videos like this on YouTube so Brad can point them out as satisifed customers.
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on July 2, 2009 at 3:05am
heres my play by play commentary

Question 1: Ok so he asks what his purpose is and Brad just answers by talking about the "big change coming" that he's so excited about cause he probably thinks it will benefit him and then just tells the guy to "look at your own life, figure it out yourself", so really hes not giving anything close to any kind of personalized reading with this answer

Question 2: so he says he dosen't have the information of where he comes from but he looks sirian or talzarian or some shit and apparently adronis could figure that out but he cant be bothered to ask adronis cause he seems to be more concerned in this reading with playing "Brad the super psychic guide" oh and now hes giving the "your a traveller speech" so basically so far most of this reading is just him rehashing the general concepts hes been spouting off forever. oh and here comes another "oh i cant answer that question because things dont work that way because people actually dont have star names" amazing psychic reading so far jack ass

Question 3: so again apparently all it takes to get in touch with our magical god self is to "relax, meditate, and wish for it" brads never really gone into detail on the inner workings of this magical intention medidation which allows everyone to channel and heal and become tetsuo from akira instantly. This of course shows his complete lack of actual knowledge or experience and his unfastened willingness to lie to himself and others. The only people his stupid generic advice will work for are people just as willing to actively play make believe without any sort of real truthful search inward or outward.

Question 4: once again we have an excuse as to why adronis is not needed whats going on here brad, just too hard for you to keep pretending to be adronis for all the written readings, you only want to do crappy audio readings but you know you can't act good enough to pull off adronis doing it so your just gonna half ass all the questions? Why dont you do channeling with adronis to prepare and then make the mp3 for your client? your just getting lazy you piece of shit. and now we have more shit about how you should do the job that you really want to do (OH RLY?) and how all that takes is getting really excited about it and wanting it, just like how brad is a succesful actor director cartoon animator video game creator pc repair man promotion genesis salesman healer channeler psychic spiritual advisor. oh wait... ....wait...did brad actually give, in his spiritual psychic reading, the advice of "go drop off your resume at the place you want to work"....HOW AMAZINGLY SPIRITUAL!!

Question 5 so as I understand it this guy is asking brad how he can contact his 5th dimensional self and then brads like "but wait you exist in all dimensions and also imagination is real long live oversoul lifelong enemy of lexx cade" and then of course allll you ever need to do to do any of the amazing things is MEDITATE, yes meditation is no longer a quiet moment for people to relax and search inward but a super powerup session of magic.

Closing comments: WHERE THE FUCK WAS ADRONIS? Your sites all "oooh adronis a being who is willing to assist humanity he is from the future he will tell you what you want to know" but instead this dudes (whats the story was this a legit dude or was this you deus?) gets his answered question by brad rehashing the same vague stupid shit hes learned from other youtube videos. And yet he want to call this shit a "service"???? something that people should PAY FOR? Please die via some sort of meat grinder soon brad you retard asshole
this "reading" was utter shit and only complete retards would be satisfied with this as a "service"


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