that link should work to take you to a site where you can stream some of his trick of the mind eps..really good stuff
I recommend watching season 1 episode 1 for the totally bad ass chess trick he pulls
Imagine how good this guy would do if he was an asshole enough to claim to be the messiah/chosen son of lyra/whatever
Comment by ilikepies on February 11, 2009 at 3:06pm
Damn there's a great program he did where he comes to america and goes through like several different psychic style scam job type things like he pretend to be a psycic he pretend to be a faith healer he pretends to be able to give people instant faith in Jesus and a few other things and every time he attempts it he just does SO WELL, like he does a test for a group of psychics and they're like "his psychic ability is extremely high" I'll try to find the video, though I'm not sure if he even bothers to attempt the "channeling" raquet, clearly we've seen through SOE that anyone can do this no matter how bad and obvious they are and a few people will still believe it
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Pies, that's the best description truth I've ever read!
Comment by ilikepies on February 11, 2009 at 1:50pm
Derren Brown is BADASS. He shows how much you can do with some Brainpower and knowledge of psychology combined with a talent for sleight of hand.
The less talented people of course who can't do any of this stuff are the people who stick to channeling where they can rehash ideas they steal off other people but say them in a funny voice.
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