Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


The feeling of ET Disclosure or as Brad calls it Super Good 9/11 Happy Time

Latest video from the Jewawan where he predicts...wait we can't say that word due to those pesky timelines...he gets a warm fuzzy about ET disclosure at the end of August. This is the special edition where Brad goes full out Giuliani with dropping the 9/11 bomb every chance he gets!

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Tab Comment by Tab on June 5, 2009 at 12:55am
Another thing

All this talk of disclosure and alien contact is all considered in an extremely earth-centric or human-centric perspective. We believe in OUR destiny and how knowing about alien life would expand OUR consciousness. That aliens would come here four OUR benefit. I think this is the biggest fallacy in the whole deal and just shows how un-evolved and presumptuous we are as a civilization.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on June 5, 2009 at 12:46am
Oh, and pretty much anything Brad says at this point is worth placing bets against. His prediction track record sucks ass.

I predict that by 2012 Brad will be on some Geraldo-like talk show about people too fucking fat to leave their beds. And if I'm wrong, ah well. That's just how predictions work.
LeavingSOE Comment by LeavingSOE on June 5, 2009 at 12:42am
Re. Tab's #3:

Aliens would invade for:
1. Resources
2. Resettlement
3. Food Source
4. Forced Labor
5. Refuge
6. Proselytism
7. Penal Settlement
8. Sport
9. Diving into the Gene Pool
10. Sexual Adventure

Read The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook for more. Off to the SOFN group to add the book.
Tab Comment by Tab on June 5, 2009 at 12:26am
6- We've constantly underestimated our own tech capabilities. The SR71 and stealth bomber were released to the public decades after they were developed. There is tons of evidence that we have an advanced understanding of metallurgy and things like anti-grav. And this from random sources on teh internets...who is to know what the bleeding edge tech is right now?

For example we're learning that the triangular shaped craft reported are really our own tech. I think one of the models is named aurora.
Tab Comment by Tab on June 5, 2009 at 12:17am
For your consideration Pies
Tab Comment by Tab on June 5, 2009 at 12:12am
1- Hi there thx for saying absolutely nothing Brad.
2- Didn't Xcon predict disclosure before the end of May? LOL
3- If there are aliens and there is disclosure what u gonna say when they have nothing to do with love and light?
4- Why would aliens thousands of years ahead of us in tech want anything to do with us? Do you see us trying to communicate the benefits of electricity to animals in the wild? No we don't that's why would they even give us the time of day? We probably couldn't even comprehend their technology or motivations.
5- Here is the main reason why I think disclosure would never happen: If the US gouv admits to an alien presence, they are basically saying that there is an element of great potential threat that is beyond their control. If these aliens can travel across the universe then they can obliterate us at the drop of a hat. Admitting that there are these powerful beings that exist and are visiting us is admitting that they have no control over it as well....and that is the biggest nono for a world power.

my 2c
ilikepies Comment by ilikepies on June 5, 2009 at 12:00am
jesus is this brad or the amorphous blob from Akira?

I bet by the end of august is when hes gonna run out of money and be left to die on the street so he desperately needs something to get him attention, of course if anything at all related to disclosure happens in the next few months, no matter how small it is he will take full credit for it, and of course if nothing happens oops I guess the energy shifted tra la la energies can always change. Honestly only a douchebag as ridiculously stupid as Brad could create a fucking concept where a so called "psychic" can make bullshit predictions where they take full credit if its right (Brad would no doubt exclaim: "yah i totally knew it you see this is why i made that video it was just such a feeling and it turns out I was really right, of course I didnt want to say it for sure just in case but i totally felt that this would happen, my psychic powers are getting stronger) and yet are completely let off the hook if it dosent happen, with this technique ANYONE can claim to be a psychic by Brads retarded standards

The fuck hilarious thing is of course HE'S NEVER GOT ANYTHING RIGHT. So every single time he comes out and says the energy timeline is pointing this way EVERY SINGLE TIME the energy just happens to shift, seemingly defeating the purpose of following those kinds of energies at all, its fucking childish egotistical horse shit and I'm glad brads such a stupid worthless asshole cause other wise I would just feel so sorry for this guy, in this video he seriously looks like hes been spending most of his time crying...and eating of course,, probably cryeating
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