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"Adronis is the name of a Higher Dimensional Entity existing 300 years in our future. He is Channeled Through the consciousness mediumship of Brad Johnson."

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yes but where is there an example of a thread being deleted in this manner that DIDNT have to do with people speaking out against Brad, thats the key for me

also I am differentiating between this manner and other examples where you may ask someone to move their post to a different topic, or ask someone to deal with it privately or ask someone to please remove their topic and they do. I'm talking about people's posts being straight out deleted without any warning or questioning or explanation. Last time I had a bunch of posts deleted before I was banned for good again it was me and dom and some other people discussing one of Brads channelings, a discussion Brad himself was a part of, and then when he didn't like how things had gone he deleted the whole thing saying "i want to keep this focused on questions about the channeling so im deleting all these posts. Even though what we were saying WAS focused on the channeling and how obviously embarrasingly fake it was

Just tell me this Tony, answer one fucking question, DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE BRAD IS CHANNELING? Do you really believe that even after he comes out saying his "excitement" led him to accidently perform a fake channeling that all his other channels are real and not him knowingly lying? Does it even matter to you as long as you get your daily dose of wishful thinking?

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I'm sure if Doc came back and posted one thing on SOE, he would be banned just like the rest of us. Keep up the pretenses though.

Tony said:
Havent read it all, just the first bit.
"I think that's all we're getting. Brad will jump at the chance to take care of an earthquake that was a definate improbibility yet will completely ignore something that is a finite probability!"

just a quick search on terms such as "wrong Brad" gave a few hits. As can be seen negavtive posts are not always deleted. It always depends on the context in which things are said. The above example which you requested can be found in;

Think of your own search terms and see how many anti-brad posts as you call them can stil be found. Plenty. If i recall correctly Count Duckula is Doc from NSI yet his posts are stil around.

ilikepies said:
How bout this Tony, can you give us examples of other threads were similar things happened that DIDN'T have to do with Brad in some way, that weren't examples of people saying things having to do with Brad not being a legitimate super channeler accelerator magical healer? That didnt have to do with people bringing up bad things brad has done like scam on chicks or start up eos? The only threads that seem to be deleted all seem to have the same problem: they make Brad look bad, they embarras brad. Brad SHOULD be able to, especially with how antonella and clinton were being respectful telling brad they love him and they respect the things hes done and blah blah blah Brad should be able to accept that as their truth and their opinion. Particularly if he knows in his heart that his channeling is truth, it shouldnt matter to him right? Cause like his true channelings say one day disclosure and 2012 will happen and everyone will know he's right anyway? Why can't he just exemplify the love and non judgement he claims and allow these things to be said like they are.

The reason is because he knows hes lying, he knows hes going full forward with the huckster lifestyle and its not about him sharing his truth, its about making him look good, making people believe him, making sure people THINK he's for real. because deep down Brad knows hes not, he knows hes lying, he knows hes playing you and he's counting on your ignorance, the ignorance of the people on his site. Brad needs threads like this deleted because they are a threat to him, and they are a threat to him because they are the truth and he knows it.

But I suppose you don't give a shit do you Tony? I suppose if I were to ask you if you really believe brad is channeling or if you think it even matters whether he's telling the truth or not you'd say something like "bladi blah all truth personal truth truth can be shared just expressing his truth blah blah" Well I'll tell you know your gonna have to throw those excuses away and find new ones because what you've just done and have been doing for awhile is shutting up and forbidding the truths of others. It's ok for Brad to talk about the rest of the world as dark or unevolved, talk about us here like we're all evil and filled with hate, talk about society and jobs and education and science like its all a bunch of bullshit. It's ok to give people an excuse to leave their jobs, leave their friends, not finish college, to not go out into the world and work for what they want, it's ok to tell people who are desperate and sad and in pain and hopeless that they can just wait it out until the aliens come, its ok for brad to say ALLLLL THIS, yet its not ok for someone to speak out respectfully as they can that in their opinion they believe it is Brad speaking and not some channeled entity (which is ovious) that in their opinion its something that should be speaked out against, because lies and make believe won't help anyone in the long run.

Your a fucking nazi Tony, your making excuses for serious fucking bullshit and maybe its time you face whatever fears in your life drive you to be such a sucker for this lying fantasy world and grow the fuck up. Either you allow all opinions to be expressed respectful or your running a fucking cult.......

your running a fucking cult and your leader happens to be the stupidest person in the world, what does that say about you?

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That was before the zero tolerance rule was in effect. Don't try to play games with me, Tony. I've followed the progress of SOE for quite some time. You've left those there because you haven't had the time or care to clean up those posts. You know they won't come back to bite Brad in the ass and maybe you like keeping them there so you provide evidence and legitimize yourselves. Please.

Tony said:
misguided thought Deusex. I could have banned them the moment the post showed up as could Brad have or any admin.
The zero tolerance is very clear, in fact going by all accusations here then you would have expected it to have been deleted immediately.

DeusEx said:
Tony responds:

I think if a heads up email was sent they would have been banned before they had a chance to say something.

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your still running away to me unless you fucking grow a pair of balls out of your deformed retarded person vagina and start answering some real questions

honestly answering that post by paradigm in that way all "make up your mind guys" seems like sort of a desperate sneaky play by you. If you wanna dance with us then dance with us, stop trying to be clever your not very good at it

zero tolerance? why the fuck haven't you banned brad yet? are you admitting that Brad dosen't have to follow the same rules as everyone else? Brad can come out saying that people shouldnt trust blossom goodchild or that they shouldn't trust the news, shouldnt worry about swine flu shouldnt worry about money, shouldn't listen to all the people who have a more realistic grim view of things, he can come out constantly questions a member like lilbunnyfufu he can say "I dont believe you" to that member but when some members come out and say "i dont believe you brad" suddenly they can be banned?

You suck tony

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Yes, my reply was in response to Doc and the other posts left that have not been deleted or the members in question banned. Wrong click it is, I admit my mistakes ;)

I do believe that if Antonela and Clinton had wrote emails to you letting you know what was about to transpire they would have been silenced. Either with persuasion or a ban. In any event, the post has been deleted and we still have no clue as to why.

Tony said:
you clicked on the wrong post there Deusex to reply to.

The reason behind the zero tolerance can be found in the announcement regarding the zero tolerance. It just goes to show that such comments were hardly deleted before, not until 5-7 members demanded 90+% of admin time due to their fixation which no one else bothered about. After that all disagreements were to be dealt with between members with or without admin mediation.

DeusEx said:
That was before the zero tolerance rule was in effect. Don't try to play games with me, Tony. I've followed the progress of SOE for quite some time. You've left those there because you haven't had the time or care to clean up those posts. You know they won't come back to bite Brad in the ass and maybe you like keeping them there so you provide evidence and legitimize yourselves. Please.

Tony said:
misguided thought Deusex. I could have banned them the moment the post showed up as could Brad have or any admin.
The zero tolerance is very clear, in fact going by all accusations here then you would have expected it to have been deleted immediately.

DeusEx said:
Tony responds:

I think if a heads up email was sent they would have been banned before they had a chance to say something.

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ohh noo poor tony is too confused he can't answer the harder questions cause there's too many of them boohoo well i've already started a discussion over there and there are PLENTY more I can start to keep things focused so your brain composed of mainly sawdust can deal with it easier

Tony said:
admins can't ban creators.

To much jumping from topic to topic. Try here;

i will pop in from time to time to answer them.

ilikepies said:
your still running away to me unless you fucking grow a pair of balls out of your deformed retarded person vagina and start answering some real questions

honestly answering that post by paradigm in that way all "make up your mind guys" seems like sort of a desperate sneaky play by you. If you wanna dance with us then dance with us, stop trying to be clever your not very good at it

zero tolerance? why the fuck haven't you banned brad yet? are you admitting that Brad dosen't have to follow the same rules as everyone else? Brad can come out saying that people shouldnt trust blossom goodchild or that they shouldn't trust the news, shouldnt worry about swine flu shouldnt worry about money, shouldn't listen to all the people who have a more realistic grim view of things, he can come out constantly questions a member like lilbunnyfufu he can say "I dont believe you" to that member but when some members come out and say "i dont believe you brad" suddenly they can be banned?

You suck tony

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Nobody is asking you to ban him, but to be honest and upfront about things. A while back you said you were ready to leave SOE. Maybe you need to think back to that time and who you were back then.

Tony said:
admins can't ban creators.

To much jumping from topic to topic. Try here;

i will pop in from time to time to answer them.

ilikepies said:
your still running away to me unless you fucking grow a pair of balls out of your deformed retarded person vagina and start answering some real questions

honestly answering that post by paradigm in that way all "make up your mind guys" seems like sort of a desperate sneaky play by you. If you wanna dance with us then dance with us, stop trying to be clever your not very good at it

zero tolerance? why the fuck haven't you banned brad yet? are you admitting that Brad dosen't have to follow the same rules as everyone else? Brad can come out saying that people shouldnt trust blossom goodchild or that they shouldn't trust the news, shouldnt worry about swine flu shouldnt worry about money, shouldn't listen to all the people who have a more realistic grim view of things, he can come out constantly questions a member like lilbunnyfufu he can say "I dont believe you" to that member but when some members come out and say "i dont believe you brad" suddenly they can be banned?

You suck tony

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LMAO... thank you very much Leaving ;-)... i have the same shot saved, but you posted first... that's because I got side-tracked by a message from Tony... as I expected (way earlier even) I am now banned from SoE... not because of this message though... but Tony came here for me, as he stated earlier, to tell me he got a message from Brad saying I was going to be banned for the things I've said here...

I have to applaud Tony for taking the time to come here and give me a heads up on this situation... Thanks again, Tony... and dont forget, pies is just being pies ;-)... pies, I luv ya and yur bad mouth :-)



LeavingSOE said:
Sorry to interject in this riveting conversation, but I thought I would post the final screen grab. A thousand apologies for the highlighted text. I can't read the white on black for shit (good call on the new layout, it definitely makes it harder for me to read), so I highlight to make it easier on my eyes.

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If I didn't get that email I would never have know what was up with Brad so much respect to you all. That Bro is cracked out.

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I am not going to give up who told me, so I guess I will be banned:

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Brad knows my name? I finally made it big time...on SOE LOL

Jose G said:
I am not going to give up who told me, so I guess I will be banned:

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it's really insane how out of line the whole brad banning people thing has got, Brad patrolling around this site to see if any members on his site are posting, thats more than controlling the content on your site thats controlling THOUGHT on your site.

So basically at this point if someone is a member on SOE and posts absolutely nothing to do with anything that even comes close to being bannable but brad sees that on here or other sites they have opinions he dosent like he will BAN THEM FOR WHAT THEY THINK its fucking THOUGHT POLICE for christ sakes

This may be my next topic in Tony's new funhouse

Anyone think its funny watching all of Brads reactions to all these controversial threads that pop up, It's like fucking 9/11 or some shit for him going around secretly messaging people about their involvement in the thread he had to make disappear. It's so obvious how much he cares about his public image and how he desperately tries to cover his own ass when he's too damn stupid not to make it so easy for everyone to see what he's really about time and time again. I'm looking forward to his further attempts at channeling and scamming people and when Kerry decides to try and move back home and get help from her family rather than be married to some homeless bum still trying to make money off being a shitty liar oh well at least he'll have Tony to cover he ass as he tries to find some other ugly broad with a bit of cash he can scam or some shit like that

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