Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Take a read of that, of course we all know what happened with Miss Kerry but there is also the events with Nora which if needed I will find the info about that I can and post it here.

My question to you Tony is, how the fuck can you justify Brad going around picking up chicks in this particular way as anything but an absolutely unacceptable and sickening act that is predator like. Do you think perhaps that things like this may justify a certain "focus" being on Brad and what he does. Or do you think that it all dosen't matter, its all just in the past or its all just truthy loveness or its all just no big deal?

Lets start being focused on this particular act of Brad then go from there and we'll see how willing you are to have this SOE Admin discussion, good luck to you


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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for your reply.

When you tried your hand at channeling, did you channel things that were specific to you, or did you channel things that were specific to other people?

Tony said:
@lsoe will check back in a few hours for your reply or follow-on question(s).

Reply to This

no, just picked the first version of the two photo's which was closest at the time. Threw it out there to the two posts and in general.

LeavingSOE said:
Since you quoted me, I'll assume that was directed to me. Just so you know, putting my picture up on the internet is not a risk I'm willing to take. It's not because of worry of childish ridicule. I also really wouldn't correlate one's putting up their picture to the size of their balls, but that's just me. I just think it's better to err on the side of caution, particularly when dealing with religious zealots. All that having been said, I thought the reference was quite entertaining (not childish ridicule but a very smart reference), and the pose matching was just a coincidental icing on the cake.

Tony said:
At least some have the balls to put up their own pic and open to childish ridicule instead of hiding behind avatars pics.
LeavingSOE said:
ROFL! Nice! Thanks for the lols!

DeusEx said:
Nice work, LS!

Reply to This

Let me check, it was so long ago. As i just stated it looked all jibberish to me.

here is the complete first post in that container. Preceding this were many attempts which lead to absolutely nothing (i think over a period of several weeks. Basically the procedure was eyes shut, meditation, fingers on keyboard with eyes shut. In this attempt something readable appeared on the screen after the session.

For myself I created a blog on my home page (under construction) describing step by step how i came to where i am now. After several attempts at channeling (with great help from Brenda and sources unknown) this came out.

know this , for this is now. it is not . for it is without doubt that that which i speak of is meant for someone. They will discover in their own good time. Force not, want not all will come in due time. For thats the way it is and always will be . Search not , seek not.. All will be revealed. Riddles, yes? no? it is. For that which is pure, demands, not only gives. That nourishes that within, that always was. rejoice oh blessed one, Love is , love was love. Thirst, always for that is. be not afraid, all has happened all will happen. there is but one, all. you grow tired, until then.
i am .

I have no idea what it is, that is what this container is for. I have only corrected major spelling mistakes and typing errors. The minor ones have been left alone. as has the rest of the message.

end of post in container.

LeavingSOE said:
Thanks for your reply.

When you tried your hand at channeling, did you channel things that were specific to you, or did you channel things that were specific to other people?

Tony said:
@lsoe will check back in a few hours for your reply or follow-on question(s).

Reply to This

I'm really unsure as to how putting a picture of yourself on the internet equates to having balls. It actually shows that you don't really understand how teh internets works with your assumed anonymity. As LS said, the meaning behind the chosen picture, Kermit, actually goes a bit deeper than the pose.

Tony said:
no, just picked the first version of the two photo's which was closest at the time.

LeavingSOE said:
Since you quoted me, I'll assume that was directed to me. Just so you know, putting my picture up on the internet is not a risk I'm willing to take. It's not because of worry of childish ridicule. I also really wouldn't correlate one's putting up their picture to the size of their balls, but that's just me. I just think it's better to err on the side of caution, particularly when dealing with religious zealots. All that having been said, I thought the reference was quite entertaining (not childish ridicule but a very smart reference), and the pose matching was just a coincidental icing on the cake.

Tony said:
At least some have the balls to put up their own pic and open to childish ridicule instead of hiding behind avatars pics.
LeavingSOE said:
ROFL! Nice! Thanks for the lols!

DeusEx said:
Nice work, LS!

Reply to This

while i do think that the larger issue of how SOE fosters people depressed about their lives looking for an escape is an important one it seems once again Tony that you are desperately latch on to anything that you can actually manage to come up with arguments for. I wonder if you ever got around to reading my reply on here where I talked about the faults of picking out specific lines for you to argue against. It seems you are arguing over the small details of one persons post and whether there was enough "support" or not and yaddie yadda where I think with a lot of us we're talking about a bigger kind of idea. please look back on this thread and read again my post where I describe the faults in arguing in such a way, if you ever want to ACTUALLY join this discussion and deal with the big ideas of what we're talking about feel free but It seems your happy to stick around like some annoying douchebag picking your small battles that you can win and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against as if you think that somehow makes you look like your participating in this discussion and not being a giant pathetic cult apologist douchebag which you very much are


Tony's reply:
"and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against"
-- actually mainly I reply to a few sentences and not just one, all heil mein fuhrer brad!


Reply to This

Let me get back to my original question. I asked if you believed Brad was channeling an external entity, and you stated you don't know. Irrespective of whether or not an external entity was responsible for the quoted channeling, do you think Brad has a responsibility to examine the content of his channelings before sharing the information with other individuals?

Tony said:
Let me check, it was so long ago. As i just stated it looked all jibberish to me.

here is the complete first post in that container. Preceding this were many attempts which lead to absolutely nothing (i think over a period of several weeks. Basically the procedure was eyes shut, meditation, fingers on keyboard with eyes shut. In this attempt something readable appeared on the screen after the session.

For myself I created a blog on my home page (under construction) describing step by step how i came to where i am now. After several attempts at channeling (with great help from Brenda and sources unknown) this came out.

know this , for this is now. it is not . for it is without doubt that that which i speak of is meant for someone. They will discover in their own good time. Force not, want not all will come in due time. For thats the way it is and always will be . Search not , seek not.. All will be revealed. Riddles, yes? no? it is. For that which is pure, demands, not only gives. That nourishes that within, that always was. rejoice oh blessed one, Love is , love was love. Thirst, always for that is. be not afraid, all has happened all will happen. there is but one, all. you grow tired, until then.
i am .

I have no idea what it is, that is what this container is for. I have only corrected major spelling mistakes and typing errors. The minor ones have been left alone. as has the rest of the message.

end of post in container.

LeavingSOE said:
Thanks for your reply.

When you tried your hand at channeling, did you channel things that were specific to you, or did you channel things that were specific to other people?

Tony said:
@lsoe will check back in a few hours for your reply or follow-on question(s).

Reply to This

to add to that, do you think brad has a responsibility to examine his channeling before using the 5 souls of arcturian self as his wingmen to pick up chicks by telling them brad is their salvation?

LeavingSOE said:
Let me get back to my original question. I asked if you believed Brad was channeling an external entity, and you stated you don't know. Irrespective of whether or not an external entity was responsible for the quoted channeling, do you think Brad has a responsibility to examine the content of his channelings before sharing the information with other individuals?

Tony said:
Let me check, it was so long ago. As i just stated it looked all jibberish to me.

here is the complete first post in that container. Preceding this were many attempts which lead to absolutely nothing (i think over a period of several weeks. Basically the procedure was eyes shut, meditation, fingers on keyboard with eyes shut. In this attempt something readable appeared on the screen after the session.

For myself I created a blog on my home page (under construction) describing step by step how i came to where i am now. After several attempts at channeling (with great help from Brenda and sources unknown) this came out.

know this , for this is now. it is not . for it is without doubt that that which i speak of is meant for someone. They will discover in their own good time. Force not, want not all will come in due time. For thats the way it is and always will be . Search not , seek not.. All will be revealed. Riddles, yes? no? it is. For that which is pure, demands, not only gives. That nourishes that within, that always was. rejoice oh blessed one, Love is , love was love. Thirst, always for that is. be not afraid, all has happened all will happen. there is but one, all. you grow tired, until then.
i am .

I have no idea what it is, that is what this container is for. I have only corrected major spelling mistakes and typing errors. The minor ones have been left alone. as has the rest of the message.

end of post in container.

LeavingSOE said:
Thanks for your reply.

When you tried your hand at channeling, did you channel things that were specific to you, or did you channel things that were specific to other people?

Tony said:
@lsoe will check back in a few hours for your reply or follow-on question(s).

Reply to This

looks like tony has crawled back into his cave, i'm sure he won't be back until enough times passed that he dosent feel the need to deal with these questions and he'll bitch about some minor thing he thinks he has a point in and then when the real questions start coming he'll run off scared again...or maybe he'll just reply to this saying like
"tee hee i havent ran off anywhere ive proved you wrong" while of course still ignoring the question of brad using channeling for attempted rape

Reply to This

well i am not here to connect the dots from a-z for you deux.

DeusEx said:
I'm really unsure as to how putting a picture of yourself on the internet equates to having balls. It actually shows that you don't really understand how teh internets works with your assumed anonymity. As LS said, the meaning behind the chosen picture, Kermit, actually goes a bit deeper than the pose.

Tony said:
no, just picked the first version of the two photo's which was closest at the time.

LeavingSOE said:
Since you quoted me, I'll assume that was directed to me. Just so you know, putting my picture up on the internet is not a risk I'm willing to take. It's not because of worry of childish ridicule. I also really wouldn't correlate one's putting up their picture to the size of their balls, but that's just me. I just think it's better to err on the side of caution, particularly when dealing with religious zealots. All that having been said, I thought the reference was quite entertaining (not childish ridicule but a very smart reference), and the pose matching was just a coincidental icing on the cake.

Tony said:
At least some have the balls to put up their own pic and open to childish ridicule instead of hiding behind avatars pics.
LeavingSOE said:
ROFL! Nice! Thanks for the lols!

DeusEx said:
Nice work, LS!

Reply to This

i don't pick out lines as such, i answer whenever there is a question or statement in a line or cluster of lines.

Just as in verbal conversations, if you start a sentance with "they say that what you are doing over there is ........." i will have already interrupted you with "who is they?" before the rest of your usual garbage eminates deep from within your by hyperplasia effected brain.

ilikepies said:
while i do think that the larger issue of how SOE fosters people depressed about their lives looking for an escape is an important one it seems once again Tony that you are desperately latch on to anything that you can actually manage to come up with arguments for. I wonder if you ever got around to reading my reply on here where I talked about the faults of picking out specific lines for you to argue against. It seems you are arguing over the small details of one persons post and whether there was enough "support" or not and yaddie yadda where I think with a lot of us we're talking about a bigger kind of idea. please look back on this thread and read again my post where I describe the faults in arguing in such a way, if you ever want to ACTUALLY join this discussion and deal with the big ideas of what we're talking about feel free but It seems your happy to stick around like some annoying douchebag picking your small battles that you can win and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against as if you think that somehow makes you look like your participating in this discussion and not being a giant pathetic cult apologist douchebag which you very much are


Tony's reply:
"and coming up with whatever replies to shut down whatever sentences you can think of points against"
-- actually mainly I reply to a few sentences and not just one, all heil mein fuhrer brad!


Reply to This

examine the content for what exactly?
but whilst awaiting your answer i will say no. couldn't his analysis be wrong? It is up to those hearing/reading what they hear/read to discern for themselves what they wish to discern. Same with any news report or world leader speak, viewsers discern for themselves what is true or what is bullshit. A prime example being the WMD, how many sons/daughters/mothers/fathers would still be alive if the BS wasnt swallowed.

LeavingSOE said:
Let me get back to my original question. I asked if you believed Brad was channeling an external entity, and you stated you don't know. Irrespective of whether or not an external entity was responsible for the quoted channeling, do you think Brad has a responsibility to examine the content of his channelings before sharing the information with other individuals?

Tony said:
Let me check, it was so long ago. As i just stated it looked all jibberish to me.

here is the complete first post in that container. Preceding this were many attempts which lead to absolutely nothing (i think over a period of several weeks. Basically the procedure was eyes shut, meditation, fingers on keyboard with eyes shut. In this attempt something readable appeared on the screen after the session.

For myself I created a blog on my home page (under construction) describing step by step how i came to where i am now. After several attempts at channeling (with great help from Brenda and sources unknown) this came out.

know this , for this is now. it is not . for it is without doubt that that which i speak of is meant for someone. They will discover in their own good time. Force not, want not all will come in due time. For thats the way it is and always will be . Search not , seek not.. All will be revealed. Riddles, yes? no? it is. For that which is pure, demands, not only gives. That nourishes that within, that always was. rejoice oh blessed one, Love is , love was love. Thirst, always for that is. be not afraid, all has happened all will happen. there is but one, all. you grow tired, until then.
i am .

I have no idea what it is, that is what this container is for. I have only corrected major spelling mistakes and typing errors. The minor ones have been left alone. as has the rest of the message.

end of post in container.

LeavingSOE said:
Thanks for your reply.

When you tried your hand at channeling, did you channel things that were specific to you, or did you channel things that were specific to other people?

Tony said:
@lsoe will check back in a few hours for your reply or follow-on question(s).

Reply to This

First off, i have better things to do with my time than visit a hate site like this. There are enough sites out there to visit that do not contain the sick thoughts, sick suspicions, sick accusations and bordering on the insane fixation of one man like this place does. So yes, my time here will be sporadic. Although i am sometimes compelled to pop in and reply to the bullshit i read, not to mention to reply to your usual sick deranged mindthoughts. Channeling for attempted rape hahahahahaha.

If that is true then whoever it concerns should just collect all this so called evidence and start a law suit against Brad. Rather than sit here and post pathetic accusations one after the other or out "eat shit and die", "suck my big black dick", "catch swine flu and die" threads. I am not sure what you are suffering from except that it must be hard to pronounce.

ilikepies said:
looks like tony has crawled back into his cave, i'm sure he won't be back until enough times passed that he dosent feel the need to deal with these questions and he'll bitch about some minor thing he thinks he has a point in and then when the real questions start coming he'll run off scared again...or maybe he'll just reply to this saying like
"tee hee i havent ran off anywhere ive proved you wrong" while of course still ignoring the question of brad using channeling for attempted rape

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