Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

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Latest Activity short the "evolved light workers" as you put it boils down to "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". In forgiveness lies the stoppage of the wheel of action, or what you call karma. Here the text in its entirety (the t...
on Saturday
*sigh* the usual half truths and bullshit to fit the sosoe agenda. .....and then lies on SOE, saying “as of yet we have no problems with people being a member of both sites”, we come forward with the information of his hypocrisy...... Bloodshotbu...
on Thursday
well before the usual 5-10 members come up with more of the usual rhetoric i take my leave. And guys stick to the topic, my "jump-in" was at the bullshit statement copied and pasted. as usual this thread will also get lost in the bums, trolls, th...
August 1
How can you not read it as such? it is there in front of you in black and let me repeat it ""I'm amazed Tony and the other moderators are allowing his shit to continue but then again he's speaking out against SOSOE so it's good for Br...
August 1
haha Deux trying everything you can to avoid the cockup you made by drowning the thread in the usual sosoe bullshit rhetoric. - The Initial statement which i commented on was you pointing out that the thread was left there becasue if fitted the s...
August 1
Not the content PS, but the statement made by Deusx that it was purely left there as it attacked sosoe and fitted our agenda. This statement ofcourse fitted his agenda to blacken soe whenever possible. Where i have stated and proven that we don't ...
August 1
nice try but it wont work Deusx except for the members here. We are not fixated with posts, information is shared. You were clearly PWND as you like to say here. No, the admins did not leave it up because it fitted our agenda by being an attack on...
August 1
*sigh* Deux, stil avoiding the issue. You clearly stated "I'm amazed Tony and the other moderators are allowing his shit to continue but then again he's speaking out against SOSOE so it's good for Brad and their agenda" Clearly amied at steering ...
August 1
dont skip the point pointed out to you Deux. The thread clearly attacked both sosoe and soe yet you chose to focus on the one aspect., no need for your ? the person clearly has issues with himself. As for posts here as at sosoe and soe, i dont lo...
August 1
haha Deux, speak of "pick and chose" as you so wronly pointed out in the past. Then how about the following passage in the thread you quoted "Now I’m not saying the SOE would pass that same test... actually, one was done at the beginning of it and...
August 1
Chosu, hardly a challenge this one. As my reply at soe shows "if you actively contribute to the insults of soe members"......then YES you will be banned. Just a few of your posts here doing exactly that BEFORE your ban date, so please save us the ...
August 1
Hmm pies, manipulating as usual i see by using the words "apparently going along with" and "seems to be" at the start of each accusation. Your concluding observation which ofcourse lacks truth nullifies the final statement. As can clearly be seen ...
July 30
Kephios, as usual posts here connect dots which don't even exist. The statement does not apply to all bans dealt out, only those concerning dual membership where supporting posts were made. Seen as your profile only shows two posts (both within th...
July 30
James, you stil have no idea thus remaining an asshole. Reread DeusEx post......"Since its inception, the Watch Tower Society has taught that humanity is experiencing the last days of the present world order. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that after...
July 13
thats crazy i was just looking at a poster on my wall that reminds me of it is right here
July 2
Tony, I found a poster for you:
July 2

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At 1:05am on May 25, 2009, DeusEx said…
Welcome back, 3rd time is a charm ;)


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