Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Take a read of that, of course we all know what happened with Miss Kerry but there is also the events with Nora which if needed I will find the info about that I can and post it here.

My question to you Tony is, how the fuck can you justify Brad going around picking up chicks in this particular way as anything but an absolutely unacceptable and sickening act that is predator like. Do you think perhaps that things like this may justify a certain "focus" being on Brad and what he does. Or do you think that it all dosen't matter, its all just in the past or its all just truthy loveness or its all just no big deal?

Lets start being focused on this particular act of Brad then go from there and we'll see how willing you are to have this SOE Admin discussion, good luck to you


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One thing i noticed in the beginning of the chat was this "Twilight_Child: this is so exciting so we're related...." where did that come from? the seed of a "relationship" was planted there?, I see no mention in the previous lines indicating this from Brad.

Very funny, Tony... you dont see anything about that, because Brad is TALKING on ventrillo and twilight is TYPING... Brad just TOLD twilight they where realted... dont toy with us as if we are fools... we are not.


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Tony, have a look at: Common Characteristics of Sex Offenders

I hope you are not implying that Twilight Child led Brad on or deserved the nasty type of attention he gave her.

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LOL first off you really can't see the extreme focus on Twilight child in the chat? you can't tie that with the fact the he went around doing this with other girls? telling them all they were his soulmate? You can't see how hes reacting in one of the e-mails to twilight child being a bit apprehensive of him saying they need to be together right now, him saying that he's planning to come to australia to see her? You don't justify or condemn it but then you go making excuses for it.

Anyway what I'm getting from your answer is that you don't really care about stuff like this and would be happy just giving brad complete benefit of the doubt and ignoring it. Thus leaving Brad open to do something like this again if he so wishes.

As far as I see it there's not really any example of twilight child really leading on Brad, if I had to guess I'd say shes one of those nice people who no matter how people act around her wouldn't automatically jump to accusations of perversion or evil but clearly was put off by how Brad was desperately chasing after her telling her they were married in all their past lives, telling her she needs to let him be his mentor, fucking channeling a being to be his own fucking wingman, and eventually started to steer clear of Brad and stop responding to him.

So what its ok as long as the person dosent immediately scream and call the police as Brad starts to come on to them? In that case at least make a rule that brads only allowed to come on to deaf and dumb 11 year old girls then you'll be set won't you Jeffrey Dahmer..I mean Tony the asshole

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It seems to be Tony you have taken most of your debating skills from Brad, though they're a bit better. Brad is also fond of taking specifics lines and replying to them in any way they can

Q - Do you think perhaps that things like this may justify a certain "focus" being on Brad and what he does.
A- I do not justify or condem your "focus", i merely point out that others do not have that same focus.

sure thats all well and good, but see there's the bigger idea, the bigger picture other than what you can think up to reply to that one single line, there is the fact that so much of what we do here is shot down due to claims that we unfairly focus on brad, It is in fact a rule on your site that people aren't allowed to focus on specific people, keeping it general blah blah, another rule that is nearly only used in terms of Brad. There is the question if seeing events like this, seeing that Brad acts as a predator in this sick way may be a reason why there should be the avenue open to discuss things relating to his personal actions. That's all the stuff you dont have to deal with, you can brush that all aside because you responded to that one line.

That goes for most of the rest of what you replied, your not dealing with the bigger idea here, the idea that Brad used his position, his position strengthened by your adminstrative actions to this day, he used that for many many months with an intense focus of finding, in a crude manner of speaking, some pussy. But who cares if he did shit like that, if he tried to convince girls that they needed to be with him because they were soul mates and his psychic powers he made up told him so, who cares if he did that if there's no real ill effect right?

Unless you count the destruction of two families, the potential ruining of several childrens lives..unless you cant that that all actually HAPPENED.

you see what I'm getting at here?

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Rather than start a new thread...

I know Twilight Child is very busy with real life, work and whatnot, but I'll send her an email asking if she would be willing to contribute to the conversation. I know she's a timid one, so that's why the rest of us are speaking up for her. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT COMMUNITY MEMBERS DO FOR EACH OTHER! The take care of their members to prevent them from falling victim to the more predatory members.

Twilight Child, I hope you come here to add to this discussion, because I know what you told me about what was going on and I can correlate that to the emails posted here. But it seems Tony is oblivious.

Tony, maybe you really aren't admin material if you're neutral to sexual predation.

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Admin material? How bout a human being is he one of those?

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judging by the lack of his decency he is a mindless drone brainwashed by brad johnson the ruthless liar scammer.

TheTabarnac said:
Admin material? How bout a human being is he one of those?

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Yah I can see why Twi may not want to have to get into all this stuff, again as I said the point was to add what is there to what I assume Tony already knows about Nora and miss kerry. Honestly I don't see how there's much to argue about in terms of the individual cases, I think its pretty clear what went on and unless Tony does want to argue that Brad was just innocently flirting and being honest when he hit on girls with his fucking channeling and psychic powers which were all real and all just happened to say all these girls were his soul mate and basically that this is anything other than what this is then I welcome his attempts but I mean come on, we see what this is, Tony sees what this is, and rather deal with the larger issue he's fine to muster out whatever excuses or responses to individual lines of dialog he can.

Though twi certainly wasnt bringing it all on herself does it even matter if she did? Does it matter if a girl totally believes everything brad says? Does it matter if the girl is overjoyed by Brads assurances that they are soulmates and that if she comes away with him they will win the lottery and live forever in a magical astral candy land? Does it really matter when we know what is is that Brad was doing?

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"Q- My question to you Tony is, how the fuck can you justify Brad going around picking up chicks in this particular way as anything but an absolutely unacceptable and sickening act that is predator like.

A - I do not justify or condem it."

Oh Tony dont fucking tell me you actually bury your head in the sand over sexual predation. By ignoring it even though you can fully see it YOU ARE SUPPORTING IT which means your effectively saying that it's perfectly OK. By doing so YOU are no better than him.

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You are keen to ask the women that have come out against Brad to provide more evidence in hopes that you can vilify them. Maybe you'll actually take the time to read my link before you come back with the witty remarks about us being fixated on your boy, Brad.

P.S. - You have seen Brad perform such readings for males and use such wording? Please go ahead and provide the screenshots for a few of them.

Tony said:
I have seen brad give similar readings to males where he speaks of them being full of love, beautiful, angelic and such.
As for being a sex offender i believe that thought is brought on by your fixation on the person.
here some statistics on infidelity/adultry:

DeusEx said:
Tony, have a look at: Common Characteristics of Sex Offenders

I hope you are not implying that Twilight Child led Brad on or deserved the nasty type of attention he gave her.

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Tony, you must love deploying the smokescreen for Brad's misadventures.

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Just in case you didn't notice, her original SOE account has been deleted so all the pertinent emails are gone. Brad also was a dear and deleted his lovely videos he made for her. Oopsie!

Tony said:
Have her post her replies to the mails.

LeavingSOE said:
Rather than start a new thread...

I know Twilight Child is very busy with real life, work and whatnot, but I'll send her an email asking if she would be willing to contribute to the conversation. I know she's a timid one, so that's why the rest of us are speaking up for her. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT COMMUNITY MEMBERS DO FOR EACH OTHER! The take care of their members to prevent them from falling victim to the more predatory members.

Twilight Child, I hope you come here to add to this discussion, because I know what you told me about what was going on and I can correlate that to the emails posted here. But it seems Tony is oblivious.

Tony, maybe you really aren't admin material if you're neutral to sexual predation.

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