Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

james_uk's Page

Latest Activity Was that it Brad?. I seriously doubt this is for real. Brad must've ceased the opportunity on this for his next viral marketing story. Bt...
Someone really ought to show this to Ning. Perhaps Brad should probably be considering the fact that he's now under investigation for how he's fraudulently making money out of peoples spiritual beliefs amongst other things (predatory behavior towa...
Now includes 100% more screengrab.
on Friday
Notice that the song used here was favourited by Brad 23 hours ago. The song in question is here: Considering he's making money from this sort of stuff as his...
on Friday
james_uk and Ben are now friends
on Friday
Wow, so out of his hundreds of fans and hundreds of subscribers, the dozen or so here that rate him down are to blame for his low ratings? Tony, care to help us with that math on this one?
on Thursday
Why do I get the feeling that this all started because Brad had to back off going crazy on his like 20 other accounts favoriting and rating himself. Why is it only recently, seemingly after he had a video taken down, that his videos are showin up ...
on Thursday
So now Brad is trying to blame us for his low ratings? He can just look at the video ratings on SOE and see how bad they are too. People realize that he us just regurgitating material stolen from others and using it to manipulate and scam them.
on Thursday
Brad why dont you back up your claims with facts like what we've kindly done for you? Oh and Longcat is loooooooooooooong.
on Wednesday
Brad you really need to work harder on your defense when you leave painfully obvious trails behind on ootwpcs.
on Wednesday
Look around you Brad. Look at the huge crowds of people cheering you on. (No Brad I mean physically around YOU and your apartment) Seems like someone is hiding a false sense of security. If you really were truly thanking us for promoting your vide...
on Wednesday
Double edit: And now there disabled again rofl Brad shortly after he realised that the ratings on his newest video were totally fucked.
on Wednesday
Aaaaannd the ratings are now disabled :P Why disable them Brad? Afterall if your holy all hallowed community of love and light really cared about the videos you made they'd be voting in the masses in your favour thus negating any effect of ha...
on Wednesday
Lol it appears as if Brad thought by removing his Google Maps advert and then putting it back on again would get rid of the negative reviews. Nice try Brad but that's not going to help you either. Not only that but you've yet again shot yourself i...
August 4
Lol Dues the ratings did'nt last that long for his newest video. It was down to two stars and then the ratings were disabled. On the bright side though I once again sharing Brads spotlight with him :P
August 2
Brad the fact of the matter is that back in the pre SOE days you were coming to no harm to anyone as people had enough mind power to figure out you were spreading poor information that you had'nt researched properly. http://saviorsofsaviorsofeart...
August 1

james_uk's Photos


James_uk's Blog


Question for ANYONE who's knee deep in newage stuff.

Ok this has been on my mind for sometime now so I'm just venting here.

If people like Michael Jackson are assasinated for supposedly revealing NESARA or any other celebrity for that matter then why dont the CIA target THE VERY PEOPLE SHARING THE INFORMATION TO BEGIN WITH?. Logic would denote that IF the manic depressives of SOE were saying the pure unadulterated truth that is supposedly being censored by the US government, illuminati or whatever super secret military government th… Continue

Posted on July 1, 2009 at 2:00pm — 9 Comments


Testing out the contact us part of (Fake myspace chick edition)

Ok so today I decided to test out Brads all hallowed channeling logic. Cause Brad likes to reel in the chicks I decided to create a character. Her name is Joanna Davison and her photo was the result of doing a google image search for "Myspace chick" (images have been made safe)


Posted on June 16, 2009 at 1:00pm — 6 Comments


The hallowed censorship of SOE

Ok so here we have LeavingSOE asking a perfectly rational question as to why his post was deleted. Was'nt being at all funny or sarcastic whatsoever. He's then accused by Trudy of being a trouble maker.


Posted on March 25, 2009 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments


Testing out the contact us part of expression of soul (Autism Edition)

Ok so yesterday I decided to put Brads logic to the test by creating a character.

He goes by the name of Bob Bergen and unfortunatly he suffers from Autism.
In a nutshell THERE IS NO CURE AND NEVER WILL BE A CURE FOR AUTISM I know someone in my local area that suffers from Autism and it's truly a depressing thing to behold. Bob Bergen does not exhist btw.

Anyway so I used the following in the comments box:

Hello there.
Do you happen to have an… Continue

Posted on March 5, 2009 at 2:00am — 12 Comments


Consolidated archive of Brads failed ventures.

Here is a current list of Brads past (and present) failures to date. (Note you'll need to copy and paste the URLs into your web browsers address bar to view these). I tried making hyperlinks out of them but the links would'nt appear at all. Many thanks to the members of this site who helped with the discoveries of these.

Credits to Kahless for this one.
This appears to be a central hub for Brads current line up of sites. Also contained inside are some of his othe… Continue

Posted on March 4, 2009 at 3:30am — 23 Comments

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At 1:59am on March 7, 2009, dave147doh said…
i dont think kerry will hold my hand but i will take a photo with a pen mark on my hand. you'll know its me by the wallpaper in the room if thats ok? ill post it on tuesday
At 12:00pm on March 5, 2009, DeusEx said…
Sorry I got booted offline yesterday. I will try to find the link I told you about and put it up. Thanks so much for everything you have done.
At 12:11pm on March 2, 2009, DeusEx said…
James, use this:
At 3:00pm on February 25, 2009, james_uk said…
Hi there.
Just giving you all some background as to how I came here. It all started before 14/10/08 when I came across a news story on Google News saying that betting offices around the UK were stopping taking bets regarding a UFO landing.

Further searching eventually led me to the 10/14/08 blog. Since then I've been quietly observing the escapades of Brad Johnson and his fellow disciples which now leads us back to the present day. I now await with great anticipation the day that Brad calls it quits and shuts SOE down just like what he did with PlanetXFiction.

Look on the bright side though. So far ALL our predictions about what Brad and his disciples have done have come true yet NONE of Brads channeling nor any of his other disciples channelings have come to fruitition. I guess that makes us the real channelers. :D :D
At 10:31am on February 25, 2009, iDom said…
Welcome onboard, James. May you find what you seek and know what you share.


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