Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Antonela & Clinton's SOE farewell trainwrecked by Brad

Once upon a time Antonela and Clinton decided to leave SOE due to the big bad monster Brad. They created a post called Brad's channeling which exposed his fraudulent Adronis channeling, but that is another story...the original post was deleted anyway. After being strong armed by Brad and Tony to delete the same post here, they were allowed to create a final post on SOE. Get yourself a supersize soda and tub of popcorn as you're about to see Brad fueled SOEp Opera.


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By George, I think he finally got it! Brad Johnson channels Dramaticus!!!

(Or is it Narcissus)

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the way Brad reacts to all this just proves that hes a faker and he knows full well hes a lying faking piece of shit.

It's like how everyone in Hollywood KNOWS that tom cruise is gay, I've even talked to a lady first hand who knew some guy who had all these friends in Hollywood and how its basically common knowledge among most hollywood circles that Tom cruise is gay. Unfortunately it's very true that being an openly gay leading man in hollywood is pretty much impossible (see: rupert everett) so what does tom cruise do when someone accuses him of being gay? He fucking sues EVERYBODY, he uses all his power to shut down and block out everything, like the time he blocked the re airing of the famous "trapped in the closet" episode of south park. He does that because he IS GAY and unlike a straight actor who would just go "who the fuck cares" he needs to go out suing and blocking and going all crazy because he needs to protect the fact that he really is gay.

Look how Brad has reacted to this whole thing, I mean what the fuck is he talking about people stabbing him in the back. aren't they just saying what they think? weren't they trying to be supportive? Is Brad's idea of conducting yourself proper on SOE basically that you keep your fucking mouth shut if you have any ideas whatsoever that go against his view of himself as some superior abled channeler? Does he really expect us to believe that he would have come out admitting ardonis was a fake if these people had done anything but post their thoughts openly in the way they did? OF COURSE NOT! Brad is so fucking delusional Its unbelievable, every single post on there just strengthens the already obvious premise that he is a knowing lying manipulative retarded asshole

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This little make-believe wizard e-war drama of the egos is quite entertaining! I loved the little muscle test duel they had...was like they were dropping the gloves and staring each other down..."u really wanna muscle test bro? COME ON DO SUMPIN!"

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Stephen, no one here thinks your lying... believe me, we all know its true... we are here for the same reason... and I for one am SO HAPPY this has happened... maybe now finally other members on SoE will speak up... although, if they do they will get banned right away... its SO freaking obvious Brad does not channel and never has been... I've been there in Ventrillo during one of his "5 souls of Arcturian" channels... believe me, even a child could have heared this was NOT real... and now finally Mister Super Evolved, Only One In The World To Have Come This Far In Such A Short Time, The One Who Defeated Dark, The One That Says If Something Is True, It Is True - Period... is falling on his ego-tripping ass, pushed by the people he trusted most... I love Jose's comment about making people feel quilty... I really hope this is the beginning of the end...



Stephen said:
Brad feeds off of the attention given. He is not a true light worker for how can someone that is so wrapped up in his own ego ever be a lightworker. If you think I lie, then ask yourself why you are here on this website and not on SOE's website. Brad is fucked up big time. He is not be be believed nor followed. He needs to be shut down.

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I love how retarded Brad is in saying shit like "I've done a muscle test clinton have youuuu"


Brad needs to stop pretending he has any excuse for this shit other than him not wanting anyone to have the opinion that he's not a real channeler. He says it dosent matter, he says that all that matter is what resonates with you but if what resonates with you is that Brad is a pathetically obvious faker then suddenly your an asshole???? Suddenly your not allowed to express what "resonates" with you if it makes Brad look like the douchebag idiot that he is

Brad your fucking 30 years old man 30 FUCKING YEARS OLD You've been on this planet 7 years more than I have and yet your still stuck at fucking 10 year old logic, what a sad sad fucking excuse for a human being you are. Your mid life crisis is coming hard man and its not gonna be fucking pretty for you, as long as I'm the internet junkie I am i'll be checking back here daily for as long as it takes to do my best in stopping you from draggin anyone else down into the pathetic idiotic muck you live in, seriously man the best thing for you to do for the world is get some simpleton labor job sticking price tags on shit thats all you mentally deficient tards are good for in the end. YOU ADD NOTHING BUT HEAPING PILES OF SHIT TO HUMAN KNOWLEDGE PLEASE GO AWAY FOREVER YOU FUCKING RETARD

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Oh fucking hell Brad your members say goodbye to you and you treat em like shit? Thats a cult mentality leadership right there and you know it. You claim there both full of ego Brad perhaps you should have a look at your own posts.

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ROFL! I love this pic!

james_uk said:
Oh fucking hell Brad your members say goodbye to you and you treat em like shit? Thats a cult mentality leadership right there and you know it. You claim there both full of ego Brad perhaps you should have a look at your own posts.

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The only thing that could have made this get any better would be Brad saying "Clinton, I am your father" LOL

TheTabarnac said:
This little make-believe wizard e-war drama of the egos is quite entertaining! I loved the little muscle test duel they had...was like they were dropping the gloves and staring each other down..."u really wanna muscle test bro? COME ON DO SUMPIN!"

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No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind [creepy] eyes

No one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies

But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you


(thanks to The Who, fuck that Limp Biscuit piece of shit)

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DeusEx said:
The only thing that could have made this get any better would be Brad saying "Clinton, I am your father" LOL

TheTabarnac said:
This little make-believe wizard e-war drama of the egos is quite entertaining! I loved the little muscle test duel they had...was like they were dropping the gloves and staring each other down..."u really wanna muscle test bro? COME ON DO SUMPIN!"

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Brad Johnson replied to the discussion 'Goodbye to everyone on SoE!! =0)' 3 hours ago
Hey guys, I do apologize for my emotions yesterday. I was still quite shocked about the whole issue but I'm moving on. Antonela, Clinton, take care of yourselves and do us a favor, don't shut SoE completely out of the picture. This has...

awwwww bwads so sowwwy

Methinks perhaps Brad may have stumbled upon one of my posts where I talked about how his angry defensive reaction pretty much proved (as if it needed to be proved any more at all) that he was a knowing lying piece of crap

Brad: "hyuk hyuk oops i dun done it againnnnn"

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A different route to the same end: a manipulated Clinton.

ilikepies said:
Brad Johnson replied to the discussion 'Goodbye to everyone on SoE!! =0)' 3 hours ago
Hey guys, I do apologize for my emotions yesterday. I was still quite shocked about the whole issue but I'm moving on. Antonela, Clinton, take care of yourselves and do us a favor, don't shut SoE completely out of the picture. This has...

awwwww bwads so sowwwy

Methinks perhaps Brad may have stumbled upon one of my posts where I talked about how his angry defensive reaction pretty much proved (as if it needed to be proved any more at all) that he was a knowing lying piece of crap

Brad: "hyuk hyuk oops i dun done it againnnnn"

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