Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors


Antonela & Clinton's SOE farewell trainwrecked by Brad

Once upon a time Antonela and Clinton decided to leave SOE due to the big bad monster Brad. They created a post called Brad's channeling which exposed his fraudulent Adronis channeling, but that is another story...the original post was deleted anyway. After being strong armed by Brad and Tony to delete the same post here, they were allowed to create a final post on SOE. Get yourself a supersize soda and tub of popcorn as you're about to see Brad fueled SOEp Opera.


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And so Brad manipulating the spiritual and peaceful beliefs of his community to excuse his irrational behaviour is once again demonstrated. As long as Brads gullible followers keep accepting his apologies he will continue to get away with crap like this time and time again and the users of SOE keep letting him because it's in there nature to forgive and forget. Brad knows this.

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LOL! Brad apologizes after he has already inflicted major emotional damage upon Antonela and Clinton. Any other person within the community that has read his reactions and true feelings now understands that it is not so easy to leave the cult. It's part of the group dynamics I mentioned before to Tony, reinforcement.

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LOL I am so happy that this has hurt that worthless sack of shit in a really bad way. He even said it HIMSELF that it hurt him that clint and antonela came out with it in public. Thank Moses! And now whats hurting him even more is reading over this and seeing how we have all that topic documented here at SoSoE. He must be going mad now and ripping his air from his head while watching his fascist regime crumble to the earth.

so THANK YOU Antonela and CLinton for your great service in exposing this verbal diarrhea liar to the community. You've done the right thing and hopefully more people will begin to see through his lies.

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You have to wonder where Kerry is with all of this going on. Not one peep out of her. She must be in one of those mail order bride conundrums. Either she gives up and goes home or she shuts the fuck up and makes him another sammich.

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Brad: hey soullmate I just did some remote viewing of you in the bathroom and I drew this diagram of what your shit log looks like, I'm about to post it on SOE as part of my lead up to the site that will finally make us rich
Kerry: when are we going to have real sex
Brad: uhhhhhhhhhhhh hey look the moon looks sorta funny dosen't it, maybe thats the new upgraded super moon powered by childrens dreams, i'll make a post about it and tell everyone I know this to be the truth
Kerry: thats it where's my fucking suit case

DeusEx said:
You have to wonder where Kerry is with all of this going on. Not one peep out of her. She must be in one of those mail order bride conundrums. Either she gives up and goes home or she shuts the fuck up and makes him another sammich.

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P.S. - Pies, if you have time we need you in UrbanDead. Get the axe!

ilikepies said:
Brad: hey soullmate I just did some remote viewing of you in the bathroom and I drew this diagram of what your shit log looks like, I'm about to post it on SOE as part of my lead up to the site that will finally make us rich
Kerry: when are we going to have real sex
Brad: uhhhhhhhhhhhh hey look the moon looks sorta funny dosen't it, maybe thats the new upgraded super moon powered by childrens dreams, i'll make a post about it and tell everyone I know this to be the truth
Kerry: thats it where's my fucking suit case

DeusEx said:
You have to wonder where Kerry is with all of this going on. Not one peep out of her. She must be in one of those mail order bride conundrums. Either she gives up and goes home or she shuts the fuck up and makes him another sammich.

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Not sure who fears shrinks (psychiatrists) more, Brad or Tom Cruise :P

Stephen said:
Does anyone even suspect that Brad may indeed have a serious mental illness. I mean many have commented how he should be placed in a mental hospital...but do anyone here really believe that his behaviour may be textbook behaviour in ones that are indeed psycho schizoid or schizophrenic, really out of touch with reality. I mean, it is one thing to seek enlightenment, it is a whole other thing to live it to the extent that Brad does.

What do you think...? Does this sound familiar?

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