Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Bradstreet is back! Now that it's all over for Adronis, Brad has to keep himself busy. Two new events created by the master of disaster today. My fav is:

I guess he can't handle live Q&A anymore.


The other event was:

My muscle test result says BULLSHIT


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he just goes from one fucking thing to another and people honestly think he's qualified to teach them anything about anything? All he's doing is finding shit elsewhere and copying it down and spewing it out, one day hes all set to start a channeling business then two days later he's going to activate your chakra points live, this guys has only months under his belt looking into this shit, its ridiculous.

It'll be interesting to see how this chakra activation goes for everyone for in the expression of soul days (hey wasnt that supposed to be a success according to brads infallibe muslce testing) he was charging fucking 100 dollars for this shit

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lol from one failed venture on to the next. brad johnson is so predictable.

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He probably figures he can do a few free sessions then get EoS 2.0 going :P Don't forget Brad is so far accelerated, he knows all before the YouTube video even buffers!

ilikepies said:
he just goes from one fucking thing to another and people honestly think he's qualified to teach them anything about anything? All he's doing is finding shit elsewhere and copying it down and spewing it out, one day hes all set to start a channeling business then two days later he's going to activate your chakra points live, this guys has only months under his belt looking into this shit, its ridiculous.

It'll be interesting to see how this chakra activation goes for everyone for in the expression of soul days (hey wasnt that supposed to be a success according to brads infallibe muslce testing) he was charging fucking 100 dollars for this shit

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I've been invited to these crock of shit events from Brad via email...hes really desperate now to have to go out & recruit people to attend- Nobody wants to hear his LIES anymore.

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He's getting desperate isn't he? He must be mass emailing people and when that doesn't work it will be back to spamming multiple sites and using his mad "viral marketing" skillz.

Twilight_Child said:
I've been invited to these crock of shit events from Brad via email...hes really desperate now to have to go out & recruit people to attend- Nobody wants to hear his LIES anymore.

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FOK DAT I'm going all this woulda put me back a couple a dimes 2 months ago.

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ROFL! I'm scared of what the Root Chakra activation looks like.

TheTabarnac said:
FOK DAT I'm going all this woulda put me back a couple a dimes 2 months ago.

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LOL! Things must really be bad, even Brad is not sure if he will attend his own event:

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Oh Braddy boy your audience is disappearing.... Quickly mah boi jump ship and start your next venture while you still can.

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james_uk said:
Oh Braddy boy your audience is disappearing.... Quickly mah boi jump ship and start your next venture while you still can.

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Between the "Might Attend" screen shot and the empty room image, I'm ROFL!

Btw, forget $100 dollar chakra activation. I got an email: $5 to hear a duo that plays music "written in specific notes to stimulate certain energy chakras in the body."

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LOL! Nice one, James :P
All is not well at Count Bradula's. 7 (including Kerry) members are attending out of 1269. I wonder how Brad is feeling right now. He can't even managed to attract a significant percent of his own community to listen to his bullshit anymore.

james_uk said:
Oh Braddy boy your audience is disappearing.... Quickly mah boi jump ship and start your next venture while you still can.

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