Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

Bradstreet is back! Now that it's all over for Adronis, Brad has to keep himself busy. Two new events created by the master of disaster today. My fav is:

I guess he can't handle live Q&A anymore.


The other event was:

My muscle test result says BULLSHIT


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oh god I dont know if i can get through this already he's fucking making all his excuses for his embarrassing channeling bullshit, not even mentioning himself of course always talking like its everybody else as he always does but seriously I'm so tired of this shit
"oh channeling is about what resonates with you personally its about the message tra la laaa don't worry about it dont ask questions"

NO BRAD I know this is hard for your peanut brain to comprehend but IT DOSEN'T FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT


I mean this is exactly like any religion where someone is backed against the wall with no hope for being able to defend their nonsense beliefs and they say "well it helps a lot of people, it gives comfort to people, just let them keep pretending" I mean this is basically where Brad is at this point he knows he has no hope for pulling off any sort of proof of anything, he knows that if he's gonna get through this he's gonna need to fake and lie and cheat like everyone else so he says what he has said before "hey dont worry about the channeler its not about whether its true it resonates with people" and he has said this shit BEFORE he opened advertising that people could pay to speak with an actual being, nothing on that site like

"oh by the way it might not really be true and its mostly just people sharing magical energy resonation so dont expect anything i say to really come true ever"

I mean REALLY BRAD? You open a site like that and then you come out with this shit? banning everybody has only made you so more obvious, you really do just retardedly say whatever you want and contradict yourself over and over again and its so easy cause now all the people who might call you on that get banned forever

I really can't even listen to this retard anymore, maybe I'll check out the rest of that audio later but it'll probably be more ridiculous shit like this. I thank god theres only like 2 people left on the site who seem to take him seriously, just let this douchebag get back to his lame youtube videos about comic books and movies he'll never make so he can just be a harmless loser again and eventually become this:

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So... Adronis is now kaput?

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Just for you pies:

ilikepies said:
I'm not surprised brad is bumping up the FAQ thing, I hope we can get a recording of it here on analyze.
Brad reinvents himself more than fucking madonna

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Ozone said:
Just for you pies:

ilikepies said:
I'm not surprised brad is bumping up the FAQ thing, I hope we can get a recording of it here on analyze.
Brad reinvents himself more than fucking madonna

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So this is going to be a weekly event? How many of the four people attending will manage to keep up attendance. I guess it doesn't matter since it's not a live event and Brad has time to prepare his script . It's hilarious that he decided to stop channeling and do podcasts as Brad saying the same bullshit Adronis et al. were saying. Also...WTF is up with this him clearing his throat so much?

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