Saviors of Saviors of Earth

Earthlings, Chiaroscuros and Sfumatos, United to Save the Saviors

The Idea of Proving the Intangible
"Throughout our reality, we have always had the idea of working to prove everything that we come across with the mindset of physical proof. This has been a motive that has gone back centuries past. The feeling that nothing can truly exist unless it..."

I'm not a member so I can't see any more than that so does anyone here wanna post a screen shot of this discussion? I thought it sounded like some serious grade a brad bullshit where he talks about how nothing can be proven and then goes and tells people they should believe every bullshit thing he says just because it makes them feel happy or some shit like that. These are the kinds of discussions that make me reallly wish Tony wasn't a snivelling little nazi so I could show Brad how much sexier my brain is than his by replying to loads of bullshit like this


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Here you go :P Click to make bigger.

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Person A: I dont believe in God
Asshole: But God is real
Person A: but there's no evidence for god
Asshole: God is unknowable and mysterious and there's no point looking for physical proof
Person A: then why assume he's real
Asshole: Because I'm special and have a direct line to God and he told me
Person A: Did you tell anyone you were coming to meet me
Asshole: No why
Person A: Cause i'm going to murder you
Asshole: Namaste
Person A: I have a gun

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LMAO ilikepies. Why is no one on SOE putting a stop to the madness? So, Brad can channel, remote view, astral project, contact aliens, and predict the future? How does he find the time to finish projects like Grayshot? Oh wait, he doesn't.

Well, at least he did Spritesapiens.

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Reject all science and logic while I type on this machine through an immense network that was created by those very things. If your mind keeps telling you that what I say doesn't make sense, then it's because you aren't in touch with the intangible. BE THE IZNESS (seriously could these fucking terms be more lame and unimaginative).

Oh and please meditate and stare at the strobe light while listening to my channelings...KTHXBAI

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Spritesapiens makes my head hurt :(

Ozone said:
LMAO ilikepies. Why is no one on SOE putting a stop to the madness? So, Brad can channel, remote view, astral project, contact aliens, and predict the future? How does he find the time to finish projects like Grayshot? Oh wait, he doesn't.

Well, at least he did Spritesapiens.

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It gets even funnier now. WTF is going on with these people?

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HEY BRAD, you are soo seriously FUCKED IN THE HEAD... here is a VIDEO that is RIGHT ON THE MARKER, about your PSYCHOTIC PERSONALITY!

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Stephen said:
But Brad was too busy cruising "chicks" and channeling aliens as well as being the ultimate spiritual leader he keeps professing to be, that he neglected his own baby while his wife was sick in hospital. The little boy now has a flattened head on his right side and has impairment on his left side. He is receiving physiotherapy to help mobility. However, he will most likely have a disability from it his entire life. His daughter is visibly depressed. She plays for a bit, then goes and stands in a corner and cries a very mourning howl. It is obvious she is grieving for her dad and doesn't understand it all. She is only 4 1/2 years old. And where is her dad...channeling aliens and/or preparing for ascension. He has had no contact since hooking up with the new mistress.


Is what you said true? This place is a site of truth you see and those are quite some serious accusations you have right there. I'm not saying your lying, stirring up trouble or anything else like that but such things really really need evidence to back it up. With how you've written it it'd seem as if you've actually been around Brad whilst this stuff has been happening.

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I started to give a reaction about taking him to court, but I deleted all that... the stuff this unbelievable asshole bitch is pulling/has pulled is making me SO sick... I'm still a member of SoE and am reading the reactions from some of the folks there... unbelievable... its so hard to believe ppl actually (still) fall for his obviously fake channelings and teachings... from where i'm sitting, there's only 1 thing important to Brad and that's his ego... being "famous" is what he wants and if he has to hurt/abuse his wife and kids to do so, then he will... he already proofed that by leaving them to be with that other ego-tripper... it seems that you, Steve, are close to this family... I'm hoping you are a brother/brother in law of something... someone that can help her and the kids...

I'm sure members of SoE will once again say this is not true or tell us we are "dark" again or WHATEVER, but I have a VERY strong feeling this IS true... of course some proof would be helpfull :-)... if the little boy is in therapy or is going to be soon, there should be some documents stating what therapy he needs and -just as important- why he needs it...

En dan ben ik benieuwd wat je DAAROVER gaat zeggen, Tony :-p... als er bewijzen over kindermishandeling / verwaarlozing boven tafel komen, zal ik je net zo lang lastig vallen tot je stappen onderneemt op SoE... het is wel de eigenaar/oprichter van SoE waar we het hier over hebben... een site "all about LOVE", toch ?!?!?!?!

Sorry guys, that was for Tony. Its says I'm very curious what he has to say IF and when proof of this child abuse / necklect surfaces. Telling him I will keep herassing him till he takes stapes on SoE. It is the owner/founder of SoE we are talking about. A site "all about LOVE", right ?!?!?!?!

Thats what it says, almost to the letter LOL... please excuse my spelling, I dont have a dictionary ad hand right now :-)

And now I'm going to have a fun loving, playfull and cuddly day with my little girl.



Stephen said:
You know what is so sad in this is the pain his kids are going through. Granted, his youngest is not able to understand (he is only 7 months). But Brad was too busy cruising "chicks" and channeling aliens as well as being the ultimate spiritual leader he keeps professing to be, that he neglected his own baby while his wife was sick in hospital. The little boy now has a flattened head on his right side and has impairment on his left side. He is receiving physiotherapy to help mobility. However, he will most likely have a disability from it his entire life. His daughter is visibly depressed. She plays for a bit, then goes and stands in a corner and cries a very mourning howl. It is obvious she is grieving for her dad and doesn't understand it all. She is only 4 1/2 years old. And where is her dad...channeling aliens and/or preparing for ascension. He has had no contact since hooking up with the new mistress. I hope that when he does indeed ascend to the mother ship that the price paid will be worth it. This is not funny nor is this a game. His actions have impacted many, but most of all, it has impacted the most vulnerable, his kids. How does that sit in this whole scenario? Could it be concluded that he has truly reached enlightenment?


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steve im so sorry, i wish the little ones all the best and brads wife too. you have made me realise how lucky iam that this has had the total opposite effect on my girls, if i can be of any help please ask. i can tell you that kerry is probably making it hard for brad to see the children she is very insecure, jealous to fuck that brad will see his ex. im not defending brad by saying that hes a big boy now and should not listen to the skank, brad go and see your children stop writing emails to my solicitor saying you'll take my girls to canada, YOUR CHILDREN by the sound of it, need to see you. fyi kerry that dont apply to you, for both sets of children!

Stephen said:
You know what is so sad in this is the pain his kids are going through. Granted, his youngest is not able to understand (he is only 7 months). But Brad was too busy cruising "chicks" and channeling aliens as well as being the ultimate spiritual leader he keeps professing to be, that he neglected his own baby while his wife was sick in hospital. The little boy now has a flattened head on his right side and has impairment on his left side. He is receiving physiotherapy to help mobility. However, he will most likely have a disability from it his entire life. His daughter is visibly depressed. She plays for a bit, then goes and stands in a corner and cries a very mourning howl. It is obvious she is grieving for her dad and doesn't understand it all. She is only 4 1/2 years old. And where is her dad...channeling aliens and/or preparing for ascension. He has had no contact since hooking up with the new mistress. I hope that when he does indeed ascend to the mother ship that the price paid will be worth it. This is not funny nor is this a game. His actions have impacted many, but most of all, it has impacted the most vulnerable, his kids. How does that sit in this whole scenario? Could it be concluded that he has truly reached enlightenment?


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